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The sand of the beach is warm and very yellow, and Technoblade can't help but be distracted by watching the enderling play with handfuls of the fine material, mostly making sure he doesn't think of eating it or anything else he might find as he plays on the shore, far enough from the sea.

Technoblade stops to sit on a fallen log and reviews his inventory. No more milk bottles taking up most of the space. Now the baby can eat things other than just milk. The piglin is glad to have left that stage behind, and his back also thanks him. Now the food he collects is not only for him, but also for the baby that accompanies him. Technoblade lifts his head just in time to see the enderman try to scoop a handful of sand into his mouth. "Eh!"

The creature looks at him immediately, and the hybrid shakes his head, sighing heavily as he reaches out to shake the sand off the baby's hands. "I better give you real food before you start eating dirt."

From among his things he takes out a wooden bowl, and a cooked potato, placing it in the container and using a stone to crush it without much difficulty. Once the potato is nothing more than a handful of mashed puree in the bowl, the piglin takes a bottle of milk, one of the last ones that he (hopes he) is going to store from now on and pours a stream into the mashed potato. It seems to be an effective recipe to keep the enderling full, and make the things he gives him more edible. Add a little milk to everything. After all he's been eating that probably since he was born.

The little enderman watches him from the ground, forgetting about the sand he was previously playing with and instead more interested in the food in Technoblade's hands. Covered with yellow granules, the youngling crawls up to the hybrid, clinging to his pants and bouncing excited while chirping softly.

Technoblade takes out of his inventory a bone carved like a shovel, but on a reduced scale and uses it to feed the baby. He could let him eat alone, now that he is technically capable of doing so, but being unable to use the tool, the enderling uses his hands and Technoblade knows that would end in disaster and a baby covered in puree. Without being able to bathe him, the action of cleaning him afterwards is a complicated task, so Technoblade just resolves to take the food to his mouth himself. Mess prevented.

In order not to have to lean over uncomfortably towards him, or to put him on his lap and risk him falling backwards due to no support and with his own hands occupied to catch him, the piglin sits on the sandy ground in front of him. The enderman vwoops and clicks eagerly receiving every scoop of the soft food.

Technoblade can't help but think about how much he has changed since he first saw him. He really has grown a lot. That's a good thing, right?


Technoblade definitely remembers seeing a pillager outpost somewhere along the way. He had tried to evade them; on another occasion perhaps he would have gone on to annihilate them to get arrows or emeralds, or perhaps he would have ignored them had he seen no purpose in wasting his energies and the durability of his weapons on a group of pathetic illagers who wouldn't even give him anything of value for defeating them. It has been months since he last picked up a weapon and participated in some kind of close combat, and he can see how his aim hasn't been affected, despite the somewhat strange sensation of holding a crossbow in his hands. Charging it with a baby in his arms is a challenge.

Arriving at the biomes of orange wood trees, first encountering a savanna village, the sound of a battle horn startles Technoblade and apparently out of nowhere the invaders begin to appear. Fantastic. He hadn't confronted them to get cursed with bad omen, had he? He doesn't remember doing it, he doubts he would have done it with the baby in his arms, but the grunts and crossbow shots tell him otherwise. Anyways, it's not like he can really trust his memory.

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