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There is a strange smell in the air, Technoblade notes one morning. His memory recognizes it immediately, the unmistakable smell of molten gold, something he hadn't smelled in years. The last time he remembers identifying that scent was in the Nether, an indefinite amount of time ago, but surely vast. Unable to avoid it, his instincts urge him to go in search of the origin of the scent.

Without giving much thought to what he is doing, the hybrid gets up from the desk and leaves the room, ignoring the whimpers and calls of the enderling in the crib; following the scent down the hall and into the living room, to the door and... outside.

Outside the house, the fiery metallic smell fades a bit, overshadowed by the scents of nature, dirt, and grass, but his sense of smell is too good to lose track of such a characteristic, well-known and well prized scent like that of boiling gold. In a small shed behind the house, near the sheep and chicken pens, the scent guides him, awakening his instincts to possess the precious material. The open door reveals Wilbur, both hands covered in thick protective gloves as he holds a bucket full of glowing, liquid, metal gold.

The young man's gaze rises when he feels the hybrid's presence in front of the shed.

"Oh hey, Technoblade." He greets, pouring the molten material into a mold in front of him. They haven't really interacted much, especially since Wilbur spends most of his time outside of his dwelling, taking his daughter with him wherever he goes almost every day.

"Hm. What are you doing?"

Wilbur looks happy to have received the question, putting the empty bucket aside and leaning over the mold he just filled, examining whatever he is doing. "My little champion's birthday will be soon."

Technoblade has heard Wilbur talk to Philza enough to know that "little champion" is his kit. But the first part of the message still requires explanation.


The boy looks like the question caught him off guard.

"Yes, birthday. The day you were born?" The piglin's expression must reveal his confusion and Wilbur gasps in disbelief. "Oh god, don't tell me you don't have those in the Nether."

The day you were born...

"How am I supposed to remember the day I was born? I was a newborn." He replies, in a tone that highlights how ridiculous the concept seems to him. "As I suppose we all were."

"Well, yeah. But that's what parents are for- ehhh." Wilbur seems to regret even starting to talk, wincing when the realization of something makes its way into his mind. A shadow of sadness crosses his brown eyes as his gaze lands on the hybrid's face, and Technoblade raises an eyebrow, confused by his sudden change of mien.

"What?" He asks the suddenly silent brunet, who quickly shakes his head and takes off the gloves in a hurry.

"Nothing, nothing." He responds, gently flexing his wings in the tight space where he is in. "Would you like to see what I have made for my Flora?"

Technoblade doesn't need to answer before Wilbur reaches to grab a necklace from a small shelf, with some kind of charm hanging from it. The whole piece is made of pure gold, and Techno's fingers involuntarily twitch at the sight of the shiny object

"This was my first try. But I'm not very happy with how it turned out." He exclaims, twirling the pendant between his fingers and sliding the chain over his palms. His gaze lifts back to Technoblade, and without saying anything he throws it in his direction. Technoblade catches it without problem, looking confused at the young avian. "I actually doubt she's going to wear it. I feel like you can give it a better use."

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