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The changes have been made. It's mostly correcting misspellings and other things a good proofreading should've prevented in the first place but whatever lol (surely there must still be a lot of weird things here and there but aaaa i don't wanna re-read and edit anymore, i wanna write new chapters). You can re-read it if you want, but the changes aren't too great (for now)


Getting out of that room and going back up the ridiculous number of stairs with the baby in his arms feels like a journey. I'm really out of shape if just climbing stairs makes me feel like that, he thinks, I used to stride through biomes like it was nothing. Sedentary life is the worst.

Technoblade returns to his designated room, with the enderling still asleep on his shoulder, and without meeting Philza on the way as he had expected. The man is nowhere in sight, so that he can ask to borrow the book that he is carrying in his hand. Well, he's not going to look for Philza either; he surely must be busy with something important. His plan to borrow it turns into a plan to let him know that he is going to borrow it. Technoblade will use it until he can notify Philza that he has it in his possession, and if the patriarch says no, then he will return it to the library.

For the time being-

The first thing Techno does when he gets to the room is leaving the sleeping baby in the cradle; seeing that it's daytime and still relatively early the hybrid would normally wake him up, still in the battle of molding his sleep schedule so that he stays awake all day and sleeps through the night, something that surely challenges his biology in some way. But now his mind is occupied with the book, and the possibilities its contents signify; so without wanting to be interrupted as much as possible he allows the enderling to sleep as much as he wants.

Babies have to sleep to grow or something, and this one definitely has a lot of growing ahead of him.

And so, book in hand and sitting on the desk opposite the bed and the crib, Technoblade sets out to decipher what the strange characters on the paper mean.


The sound of the front door opening reaches the piglin's ears. Wilbur announces his arrival in a yell to his father, loud enough for the rest to hear. The rest consisting of Technoblade.

He tries to divert his attention from external sounds and refocus on the activity in front of him. He feels that he is so close to coming up with something, he seems to have found some kind of pattern that he can follow to translate the message. But his patience starts to waver and for some reason staying focused on it feels like an increasingly difficult task. It seems like something is interfering in his mind. Technoblade puts his hands on his temples, sighing deeply.

The characters on the sheet seem to dance, they seem to want to get out of the confines of the paper. Or is Technoblade hallucinating? So many hours going round and round the text in the book and the squiggles in front of him are starting to make his mind force him to see things?

Techno alternates his gaze between Philza's book and the page next to his diary, quill in hand on a fresh, white new sheet where he makes notes of everything that seems to be a step in the right direction. Two words begin to form and Technoblade feels his heart race as he realizes that he is making progress toward actually translating the message.

The piglin alternates his gaze between the two texts, and suddenly it seems like the words that have been finally found shine on the paper; among the jumble of strange characters, the two newly translated words glow from the sheet. Technoblade is quick to write them aside.

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