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Technoblade walks down the hall, Ranboo on his hip and glowing compass in his hand on his way to find Phil. The device seems to have malfunctioned or something, because the needle that should be pointing at the kid has gotten stuck at some random spot in his room. Under the floor it seems.

Deep into his own ideas, Technoblade feels himself bumping into someone with some violence. The child in his arms shrieks slightly at the collision, and finally the piglin looks up, to find Wilbur looking shaken in front of him.

"Like running into a wall." He exclaims with a hint of humor, leaning down to pick up the birch figurine that presumably just fell from his hands. Technoblade doesn't bother to detail what it is, but it appears to be something with fins.

"I'm… sorry." The hybrid mutters, apparently loud enough for Wilbur to hear and look up with an incredulous expression.

"It's okay, we were both going around with our heads in the clouds by the looks of it. Unless you did it on purpose, which I doubt seeing as you have..." His speech trails off, when the young avian turns his gaze to the enderling and his dark eyes meet the charm hanging from his neck.

His gaze remains riveted on him for a couple of seconds, until the boy seems to realize his gaze is fixed and turns his attention away from him somewhat abruptly.

"Doesn't he like, pull on your hair?"

Technoblade shakes his head. The movement causes the mop of hair to shake slightly, and the youngling is quick to reach into the strands with his hands, fiddling with it but making no attempt to grasp it. Just then Technoblade realizes that his hair is loose.

"Well, let me tell you that you are one lucky bastard then. My sweet girl used to have a fascination with hair. It didn't even have to be long for it to be a target for her."

Wilbur watches the young enderman fiddle with the pink locks. "You, Mr Blade, be very grateful you didn't meet her when she was between five months and two years of age. She would've just grabbed one of those rose tuffs of yours and tried very hard to pluck it out of your skull."

Well... at least he doesn't look like he wants to shoot him on sight anymore. This feels like the Wilbur he's... known? Through all these months. This feels like a... too sudden change. Just a couple of days ago, Wilbur wouldn't have even looked at him.

"Do you think I could... uh, braid it?"

Technoblade raises an eyebrow at the question. Well... that's the last thing he expected to hear.

"It's just... I've always wanted to. But dad's hair is never long enough and he doesn't really like hairdos, and Flora hates not having short hair." He explains, unable to help but glance at the long, straight locks that fall over both of the piglin's shoulders. "Yours is just so... perfect for it. Risking to sound like a creep, I've been wishing to do it ever since I saw it for the first time."

The hybrid only thinks about it for a moment.

"Yeah, why not?" He finally responds, feigning disinterest but unable to deny the curiosity that invades him. He doesn't remember having his hair braided before. Or cared for in any way other than cutting or tying it out of the way. Wilbur smiles with apparent enthusiasm.

"Okay! We should wash it first."


That's something he's certainly not done before.


His hair is still considerably wet. Not enough to drip, but enough to dampen his clothes. Wilbur several times tries to convince him to put a towel on his shoulders, but Technoblade refuses each time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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