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The baby hasn't stopped crying and complaining, constantly, for hours. If he is not yelling, he is silencing his complaints by biting his hand or whatever is within reach. Several times already he has tried to bite the hybrid's shoulder or backpack strap while he carries him, drooling over him, and acting with an insistence that the piglin hadn't known before from the usually quiet hatchling. His screeches mixed with the accent of his race make a cacophony that the semi mob wouldn't have imagined to hear even in his worst nightmares.

Technoblade feels that at this point he might find a lava pit in a desert, and very accidentally drop him into it. He has already tried feeding him several times, but the enderman doesn't seem hungry, even though he doesn't reject the bottle even once, instead he grabs it between his little hands and nibbles on the nipple, forcing the liquid into his mouth but without making the effort to drink it. Technoblade stopped offering him the bottle when he nearly choked doing this for about the fifth time.

He doesn't need a diaper change either, which the piglin appreciates. It's not something that becomes more bearable as time goes on. More dominated, yes, probably, but it's still the part he hates the most. Or so he believed. The last hours seem to want to compete with the number one place on the list of "why under no circumstances should you take care of a baby". An enderling destroying his eardrums for hours without stopping is something that he must not forget if he wants to maintain the sanity that may still exist in his head, and never in his life should he take care of a baby of any creature ever again.

"Kid, this is not going to work. You have to be more specific with what you want or else my hands may get very slippery at the edge of the first ravine we find."

His walking has lost its way. He's not quite sure where he wants to go, the only thing he knows is that an upset enderman youngling is the worst thing he's ever known. If only he could run from him too.

Technically he could... The kid doesn't even know how to crawl yet.

He arrives in a taiga biome, noticing it from the vegetation, when a sweet berry bush tangles in his trouser boot and tears it slightly. Technoblade sighs. This is a biome that he hasn't explored too much. He decides to sit on a rock and rest a bit, cook, eat something and try to clear his mind. If the little banshee lets him, that is. He places the youngling on the ground, on a patch of grass, and sits onto a rock that sticks out of the ground, taking a few seconds to look at the noisy bundle at his feet. At least he's already able to sit up on his own, maybe the next thing he'll do is start crawling. That won't be very fun.

He positions a smoker oven on the ground, shoving a considerable amount of raw potatoes into it along with coal where it belongs, and then picks up a carrot from his stockpiles, chewing on the crunchy vegetable and noticing the colorful gaze rising at him with sudden interest. The lines of tears that he has accumulated for hours seem to have left a mark on both sides of his face.

"What? Do you like this?" He exclaims, lifting the half carrot up to him and watching him follow it with apparent fascination. The hybrid just hands it over, seeing that that seems to have silenced him for the moment at least. The baby wastes no time nibbling on it as he has done with everything that has come his way lately. Technoblade appreciates the silence, enjoying it while it lasts.

The potatoes don't take long to cook, with the capacity of the smoker, and Technoblade eats a couple of these, steaming and fresh out of the oven as they are. The heat does not affect him.

As he chews the soft and kind of bland food he looks around him. It's a pretty quiet biome, and fairly pretty too, if he had to say. He has never been one to appreciate nature or even his surroundings, but since that baby came into his path, his life has changed dramatically, as anyone could see. Technoblade sometimes fear ceasing to be Technoblade.

A small berry bush just a few centimeters away catches his attention. Foxes seem to be obsessed with those fruits, Technoblade wouldn't lose anything by giving them a taste. He grabs a couple of these and pops one in his mouth. A trill from his companion makes him look down at him. The little enderman stretches his hands toward the piglin, staring at the red berries he brings to his mouth, carrot apparently already forgotten next to him.

"You want some?" Technoblade is a bit surprised to see him do that. The baby had never asked for something like that before. The hybrid wonders if he might be too young to eat real food. Well, if he can ask for it, he can handle it, right? Anyway, one simple berry won't harm him.

At least he's going to make sure he doesn't give him one of those things whole. For someone who has only consumed liquids thus far, those berries more than surely pose a real choking hazard. And as far as he knows, anything small enough to fit in their mouth poses a danger to virtually all younglings.

Technoblade separates one of the small fruits and crushes it between his fingers, trying to prevent the juice from dripping too much and quickly leans over to put the sweet mush in the baby's mouth. He consumes it with apparent relish, but the first thing Technoblade notices as his gums nibble on his fingers is the strange sensation under them. They don't feel smooth and soft like a baby's gums are supposed to feel. They have some kind of weird lumps, and Technoblade wonders what the hell is that supposed to be, withdrawing his hand and frowning. As he watches the baby savor the sweetness in his mouth with adoration the realization comes suddenly. The piglin feels stupid. They are his teeth, they are finally going to come out.

He has lost track of time, but to be fair he has never been very good at keeping track of it. The difference in how time is perceived in his dimension and how it is perceived in the Overworld leaves him confused and he never learned how to properly count the passing of time. It's been months, that's for sure. How many? He really can't know.

Well, from what he sees, enough months for the hatchling to start preparing to act more like a normal mob and less like a burden. Or so he hopes.


Ender babies could be called enderlings, right? How had i not thought of that

I'm really sorry about the short chapters and the long waits, but things aren't going too great and trying to write can be hard

Also, we're on a streak of zero comments in this fic, wooo. So fantastic

Most of the other fics are the same. Zero comments. Oh well, i guess they're not interesting enough. Sorry about that

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