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Technoblade is looking for cows. He didn't think it was possible, having gotten hold of about twenty bottles of milk on the farm of a plain village recently. As he grows, the enderman begins to eat more and more. What seems like just a couple of days ago, twenty bottles would have kept him quiet and full long enough not to be an immediate concern.

Well, that is no longer the case. At about six or seven months the youngling begins to exhibit a serious hunger. Technoblade wonders how long only milk will be able to keep him fed, now that the hybrid has been able to notice how his teeth seem to be close to emerging. They will be sharp.

The complaints and endless crying that this event brings have seemed to diminish, compared to when it first began. The berries seem to be a nice distraction, their sweet taste being probably the reason.

Having to get regular food for both of them will be another inconvenience Technoblade hadn't considered before. On one hand, not having to carry liters of milk everywhere will be a relief, but having to discover what the hell does an enderman eat and feed him in addition to himself is not going to be a fun mission. He lowers his gaze to the humming bundle in his arms. Since he came into his life, nothing has really been fun.

Technoblade hopes this kid isn't going to be a picky eater. He's certainly not going to exhaust himself looking for food just because the child is too picky to eat anything. This is not how the art of survival is performed; and that enderman better learns it early. Judging by the appearance of his teeth even under his gums, meat may be an obvious option to consider. At least Technoblade seems to have already discovered that he likes sweet berries. That's a start.

First of all, he evidently will only be able to eat puree for now. That is something Technoblade knows. Babies eat milk first, then puree, and then probably normal food, when their teeth are useful and every bite is not a choking hazard. Carrots, potatoes and beets. He's going to start with that.

As he wanders the plain, lost in his ideas but keeping an eye out for the creatures of brown and white, Technoblade manages to notice how the sky seems to turn dark. Is it getting dark already? But just a few hours ago he was waking up to find that his milk supply was gone.

Before he can think more about it, a little tap on his bare head startles him, looking up at the sky as a hiss from the hatchling makes Technoblade bring his eyes back to him. The creature has an expression of confusion and less commonly pain. Technoblade looks at him strangely, before what appears to be the beginning of a thunderstorm starts to unleash on them, the roar of thunder and the flash of lightning filling the suddenly gray sky.

The enderman shrieks and hisses when a couple more drops hit his exposed skin, and the hybrid's first reaction is to take out his coat and put it over the enderling to stop the water droplets from hurting the baby. The piglin curses in his head, looking in all directions for a place to take cover but there is nothing. In the middle of a valley, the only thing in sight is grass and flowers, and some trees in the distance. One of those will have to do.

He walks slightly leaning forward, trying to shield the enderman from the rain with his own body, reaching a lone oak tree in the middle of the valley and dropping to the ground under its branches. At least its foliage is thick enough to keep the water from reaching them. Technoblade sits there, with the child on his lap who confusedly observes the event that with the enough time and amount could kill him.

Technoblade prepares to spend at least a couple of hours there. In other circumstances the rain wouldn't have stopped him. Not being familiar with rain and water himself, at first it made him uncomfortable, but as the years have passed, it has become quite natural to walk through storms and rains, and sometimes even cross the oceans swimming. At least Technoblade should be grateful that his species isn't also allergic to water, as well as vulnerable to lava. Although undeathness endows them with immunity to fire and lava, it is an exchange he prefers not to make. Definitely not worth it.

"Okay, listen here kid," Technoblade exclaims, and the enderman immediately turns to look at him. He is very responsive to his voice. Good detail. "It looks like we're going to be here for a while, and there's too much to do. So we'd better make the most of the time. Can you even talk?"

The enderman stares at him.

"Blahblahblah? Can you repeat? Hello, repeat." Nope, just a pair of different colored eyes fixed on his. He doesn't know if it's too early to try to get words out of him or this baby doesn't really have the ability to speak. He doesn't even try to babble. Well, it's not like he has much else to do either, so he spends the next two minutes repeating words, waiting to hear any of these back from the baby. Nothing.

Technoblade exhales deeply, dropping against the tree trunk. You can't say he didn't try.


The hybrid cannot disguise the amused expression on his face, when in the midst of his work of repairing his tools on an anvil, out of the corner of his eye he manages to see the creature, whom he had previously left on the ground next to him, crawling awkwardly to reach a fluffly dandelion that dances with the gentle breeze just over a meter away.

It is the first time Technoblade has seen him crawl. Before, he has made clumsy attempts and mostly too short to count, but this is the first time that he has managed to get around unaided and in a way that Technoblade can generously call effectively. Although he does it quite well to be his first successful attempt in Technoblade's eyes. The little enderman moves with a speed and coordination that just a few days ago would have seemed impossible.

The piglin takes his attention away from the heavy metal object and turns to properly see the enderman reach the flower and try to grab it a couple of times, closing his little fingers tightly on the white and fluffy seeds as he reaches it, catching most of these in his black palm and sending flying a few of them into the air, immediately following with his gaze the small specks that blow away with the breeze.

"Well, congratulations. One step closer to saving me the pain of having to carry you around everywhere." Technoblade leans toward the baby, carefully opening his hand and removing the seeds in his palm. Technoblade doesn't need him eating that. It is a habit that he has acquired lately, since the new addition of the sharp teeth in his mouth, trying to eat anything that comes within his reach. He certainly is eager to use them. "It took you a while, but you finally start getting around by yourself. I don't think you're in much of a rush to take the bipeds' path, eh?"

Technoblade stands up, looking at the baby at his feet from his unusual height, backing away a few steps and waiting to see his reaction.

The enderling watches him curiously, sitting on his legs with his palms resting on the grass, and without thinking it too much he starts crawling up to the piglin, like an expert. That is called fast learning, hopefully he doesn't lose his efficiency in the future. It just takes him a few seconds to reach Technoblade, touching his boot when he's close enough and he looks up to the hybrid, closing his fingers on the fabric of his pant and out of nowhere he laughs with what Technoblade could only classify as pride. The first time he laughs. Technoblade had already seen him smile once before, when he returned for him after abandoning him in that cave just a few minutes after meeting him, when the enderman couldn't have been more than a couple of days old, but Technoblade had never heard a laugh come from him.

Technoblade leans down to take him into his arms, feeling his little tail flap from side to side, bumping against his arm.

"Good job, kid."


That was a quick update, please don't get used to those or you will be disappointed (if you aren't already)

The interesting stuff will come soon, i swear

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