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heya, anyone alive here? Cuz i am. Kinda

This story is too, even though it doesn't seem so haha :(

Also notice anything different? New clothes? New haircut? New cover maybe?

Yeah, i finally made some fanart for my own story, which is kinda sad but eh, and i also finally made a personal cover. Happy :)

You can see the fanart here (along with my other fanarts): https://www.instagram.com/infading_angel/?hl=es

More interesting stuff coming in the future, please be patient and I'm sorry 😔


Being all the time between the four walls of that room is beginning to affect Technoblade. It will already be a month and a half or something like that of being a dweller in the house of a family of strangers (although at this point, they no longer feel so much like strangers) and spending practically twenty-four hours a day locked in the room, with the exceptions of going to eat, going down to Philza's library and other situations outside the rule. And his sanity is starting to suffer from it. He feels like a prisoner, with only the enderman youngling as company. The main reason why he stays locked almost all day.

Technoblade doesn't know how safe it would be to leave him alone in the room. He still can't walk, and the crib bars are probably enough to keep him in one place, but Technoblade isn't sure he trusts that little demon isn't going to find his own tactics. Plus, he whines whenever he's left alone, unless he's asleep.

Only then is Technoblade aware of how attached and dependent the enderling really is. Bad news. He was supposed to be raisi- uh, he was getting him used to being an independent and lonely mob, like himself; but months and months of being each other's only company have made him the only person the child trusts, and he's obviously reluctant to part from him.

Technoblade exhales, running a hand over his head. His hair has grown a lot. Enough to hang like a small cape across his back. He doesn't remember when was the last time he cut it, too busy trying to survive the presence of a demanding halfling to remember taking care of his hair. He definitely should do something about it soon. For the moment he just pushes it all onto his back and uses a piece of cloth to tie it up and keep it from getting in his way.

The book lies on the desk, tempting him to get back to the task that promises answers, but the piglin ignores the urge to refocus on his translation project. After those two words, void and portal, there has been nothing else. Loose letters that do nothing but confuse him after long sessions of alternating his eyes between the pages; usually ending with a headache after spending several hours with his face almost stuck into the pages. His eyes suffer from the prolonged activity, his medium vision is not designed to read in the first place.

The hybrid gets out of bed, goes to take the enderling from the crib and leaves the room, heading outside. Ever since he came to this house he has not left its confines. Somehow, something close to two months of going round and round inside the house has not been enough to drive him crazy and forget that there is an outside world. Technoblade walks down the hall to the living room, finding the whole family there, which is a strange occurrence.

Wilbur is in the kitchen, preparing something with his kit standing up on the tip of her hind paws to try and see what he's doing. She looks excited, as she usually does when she is with her father. The aroma of pulverized wheat and sweet berries reaches the piglin. Philza is in one of the chairs, reading a book. Everyone reacts to the presence of the piglin hybrid, turning to see him, something that he certainly does not appreciate.

"Hi, Techno, good morning. Good morning, little one." The man addresses them both, smiling as he closes his book, one finger between the pages so as not to lose his progress. "Are you... are you going anywhere?"

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