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Techno can hear the two younglings screeching and laughing outside his room, footsteps running over the wooden hallways, and occasionally Philza's voice calling them to be careful. Technoblade cannot deny that a certain curiosity is awoken in him by hearing the cries and laughter of the lamb and the kit, apparently quite enjoying their playing session. Occasionally his gaze falls on the halfling still on the floor, who also seems alert to the commotion outside, looking towards the door, in the direction of the room from which the noises are coming.

Techno watches him for a couple of seconds, concluding that letting him interact with the other two kids is probably a positive development. After all, the enderling must learn to be more independent and separate from Technoblade, and what better way to do that than by exchanging laughs and screams with other creatures his age?

"Go ahead. Join the Armageddon out there." His voice makes the two-colored head immediately turn towards him. Technoblade makes a shooing gesture with his hands, not really expecting him to understand, but not letting that stop him. "Be a kid or something, go play."

The little enderman looks at him, not for long before a loud screech catches his attention again. Technoblade decides to get up and go see what is happening out there. There haven't been many times where he's witnessed young creatures playing, he doesn't even remember if he did it himself during his early years in the Nether, along with the other shoats.

Piglin and enderman move down the hall toward the living room, and halfway there, Techno hears two pairs of footsteps approaching them. Around the corner before reaching the room (the same corner Technoblade used last night to hide while listening to the avians talking) the brown haired lamb appears, evidently unaware of his presence and too busy using his hooves to kick a ball that appears to be made of fabric and probably stuffed with wool. Who doesn't miss him, though, is the attentive daughter of Wilbur, who sees him immediately after passing the corner. She seems to freeze for a moment in his presence, yellowish-orange eyes wide, evidently not expecting to meet head-on the tall male she seems to have been avoiding since they arrived here.

Her commotion is short, without looking at him for more than two seconds, the child turns and runs towards the kitchen, from where Philza's voice soon arrives.

"Flora? What's wrong?"

The yeanling then notices his playmate's absence, and is finally aware of Technoblade's presence. The tiny ram looks around until he finds Technoblade, then stares at him too, less terrified than the girl but still looking somewhat intimidated and wary. The glow of the purple particles next to Techno's hooves (where the enderling is waiting) seems to catch his attention, then looking at the halfling, and frowning, the creature leans down, picks up his toy, and walks casually towards the kitchen.

Technoblade stays silent, simply digesting what just happened. He seriously just cut off a game session so abruptly just with his presence?

The little enderman utters some kind of grunt that takes the hybrid off guard, looking down at him and finding him in a resting position, sitting on his calves, with his hands on the ground.

"Hm." Technoblade exclaims dryly and starts to walk towards the kitchen. The canid daughter of Wilbur obviously senses his imminent presence and just as he reaches the kitchen, she runs away from Philza (who is kneeling in front of the oven). The baby sheep soon runs after her.

"Phil, why does your grandkid hate me?"

"Aw, Techno, mate. Don't be silly, of course she doesn't hate you." The avian replies, interrupting his task of cleaning the oven to look up at the piglin.

"The child runs whenever I'm near and looks at me like I'm planning on eating her, Phil."

"Flora's just a little timid... you know how shy foxes are. She's really not fond of strangers."

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