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As he gathers wood to make a fire where he can cook his food, the insistent memory of what he has left behind consumes him. Technoblade can't focus on anything, the image of that bundle on the sheets, cooing and blinking lazily toward his gaze haunts him.

He tries with all his will to forget about that already, it doesn't concern him, who knows where that baby had even come from in the first place. He has far more important things to take care of. But as much as he tries to convince himself that he's acted in favor of the only important thing; his own interests, an overwhelming guilt haunts him, and doesn't let him focus on his actions. At some point, his mind already tormented with that thought fills his head with a scene that makes him recoil in horror.

That small and defenseless creature, under the force of a ruthless hunter, crying in despair at the inevitable death at the hands of a monster. Technoblade jumps to his feet, feeling his breath accelerate and his head throb with the horror and ideas that torture his brain.

He has known death on many occasions, more than he could count, and in almost all of them the hand that brings the final sentence over the poor wretches has been his. But that image is too much, a poor defenseless baby, dying in a horrible way at the cynicism of some inclement. He has to go back to the cave, he has to see what happened to that child.

Forgetting what he was doing previously, Technoblade returns his hurried steps where he kind of remembers coming from. An enderman hatchling, how had he been so stupid to leave it alone, completely vulnerable in a world that hates mobs?

And on second thought, something he definitely hadn't done before, an enderman hatchling. It could be very, very useful. Having an enderman on his side could have so many advantages. At the moment he can't think of any, but that's what matters the least. He now can only feel his heart race as he approaches the cave's entrance.

He was gone for just a few hours, nothing really bad could have happened already, right?

Apprehension at the possibility of encountering the worst makes him take slow, uncertain steps as he enters the darkness of the grotto, feeling his steps resonate with too much more echo than that narrow place should had produced.

What was it that drew him so much to that tiny being? A fierce warrior, only concerned about himself and nothing else, (but not a villain. He wasn't a monster, as others would want to have him to believe. He probably had more humanity in him than all those cowards who paid him to cover his sword on crimson with the end of some unfortunate), feeling his heart rate go crazy at the thought of finding a cave painted in blood, blood of an innocent. That was just a baby. And it had something to do with himself, otherwise he wouldn't be there now.

He finally reaches the end of the cave, stopping before approaching the bed against the wall. The bundle of sheets is still there, pretty much the same as he had left it earlier that day. But he can't hear any noises coming from it, any distinctive chirps or warbles. He doesn't know what to expect exactly as he moves towards the bed.

The bright eyes no longer stand out in the darkness, its eyelids closed without a sound coming from its small body. Technoblade feels an inexplicable fear as he lifts his hand and uncovers the sheet that wraps most of its body, pulling the cloth to examine it more closely. The rest of its body is divided by the two opposite colors in the same way as its face is, and inexpertly and doubtfully Technoblade lifts it up in his hands.

A soft whine rises into the air, and Technoblade exhales the breath he hadn't noticed even holding. Its small eyelids flutter slightly, and as it fixes its blurry gaze on the hybrid's face, the little enderman casts a tiny smile of pure innocence at him, a placid purr vibrating in its throat. Carefully, Technoblade turns around to sit on the mattress, watching the creature in his hands, and feeling his mind disconnected from the situation.

He doesn't want to "detach" again, or whatever he did to end up in this situation, so closing his eyes tightly, Technoblade inhales deeply and looks at the little enderman again, letting his gaze follow the little purple particles that float by in the air in the darkness. He can see the baby suck its thumb with desperation. He quickly deduces what that might mean.

It wouldn't be strange, Technoblade had been gone for hours, and who knows when was the last time he had fed it before that. Holding it against his chest, he carefully gets up and walks to the chest with the strange objects. He takes out one of the milk bottles, slightly surprised when next to them he finds a less round one with something that resembles an artificial nipple on the top. A baby bottle.

Well, so be it. Maneuvering a bit, with the baby on his chest and the bottles in his hands, Technoblade manages to pour the liquid between containers, huffing when he realizes he could just have left the child on the bed again before doing that. Whatever, Technoblade walks back to the bed, sitting on the edge and positioning the creature on his lap.

"I... hope you don't mind it being cold." He says awkwardly, bringing the nipple to the small mouth. The little enderman eats hungrily, purring and humming loudly as Technoblade stares at it, fearing that at some point it is going to choke or something like that.

Well, here he is. The mighty Technoblade bottle feeding a random kid on his lap.

Once the bottle is empty, Technoblade carefully removes it from the baby's face, setting it aside on the mattress when a sudden noise from the child along with it jerking softly makes him jump startled. He stares down at the kid, seeing it blinking slowly and then it does it again. Technoblade winces when he realizes the child got hiccups.

The way the half-closed gaze is fixed on Technoblade every time a new spasm makes the enderman jerk and close its eyes is eventually, strangely funny to the hybrid, a little smile sprouting under his snout.

"Well, that's your own fault for eating so quickly." Even though it was Technoblade's fault the kid got so hungry in the first place. But eh, that's in the past now.

Technoblade looks around the cave. Well, at least he sure as hell is not going to stay here anymore. And he still doesn't plan on keeping that youngling.

He has to find someone to take care of it.

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