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Technoblade stays at the door of the room for a few seconds. The voice of someone in what probably is the living room catches the hybrid's attention. The enderling looks straight ahead, where the voice is coming from. Without hesitation, Technoblade walks down the hall to the living room.

Sitting on a chair is a young man, combing a girl's reddish hair with his fingers, muttering something to her. A pair of pointy black ears protrude between the orange locks, and in addition to these, the strong features of a fox are evident in her appearance. As soon as the creature sees the piglin, she runs to hide behind the boy's back, taking in her hands the edge of one of the wings closed behind him. A pair of large, black wings, identical to the ones the blond man had. The young man looks up at Technoblade, an amused and serene expression on his face. A mop of curly brown hair on his head, one of the strands partially covering his right eye. He must be the owner of the muffled voice that Technoblade heard from the room.

"I see you have a kid too." He exclaims, nodding at the baby in his arms. "Don't take it the wrong way... but he doesn't look much like you. What's his name?"

Technoblade stares at him in silence for a few seconds. First because he didn't expect a first interaction with such a casual tone, and second because he doesn't know how to respond. Technoblade had never considered the detail of naming him, and so far he hasn't needed to do so either.

"He doesn't have a name."

The boy looks somewhat surprised by that answer, laughing softly. "Well... I guess I should introduce myself now. I'm Wilbur."

The brunet turns a little to look behind himself, slightly raising the wing that acts as a hiding place for the creature behind his back. "This is my daughter, Flora."

A silence ensues after the introductions of the young father and his daughter, and Technoblade doesn't know if they are expecting him to introduce himself. A soft growl from the child in his arms distracts him, looking back at him and noticing how his gaze is fixed on the girl still partially hidden behind her father's wings.

The boy sitting in the middle of the room intervenes when he sees the situation, using the fluffy appendage on his back to shield the girl's gaze, putting it back in front of her and preventing her from continuing to stare into the eyes of the little enderman.

"Looks like he doesn't like eye contact. Nothing strange coming from an enderman."

The way the young man says it... it doesn't sit well with the hybrid but he chooses to ignore it. He still wonders where he is or why he is there. The door to a room opens and closes, soon the previously introduced Philza enters the scene.

"Oh, I see you've already met Wilbur... Techno?"

Before he can help it a confused expression sets on his face. Distrust and caution make their way through the confusion. "How do you know my name?"

"The enderman told us." Wilbur answers without wasting a second.

The piglin's eyes immediately land on the creature in his arms, who looks back at him when he feels Technoblade's gaze upon him. So he can talk? And his first word was...

Wait... but Technoblade doesn't remember mentioning his name to the baby. Why should he?

Philza intervenes quickly, chuckling and rolling his eyes. "Ignore him. Actually... it was technically you who said it."

Unconsciously Technoblade gives them a puzzled and indiscreetly suspicious look. Nothing they say makes sense.

"Maybe we should sit down and talk a bit. If possible, I feel like there are a lot of questions with very interesting answers that we can ask."

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