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I sat there just now realizing, I had my first kiss, and against my will. I sighed and remembered to not take the moment personally. He probably kissed lots of girls, most likely a new one every day.

I walk into my next class and sit down by Jaden, it was so unlikely, but we have every class together. I sat there intently, I loved math, because most of the time, there is a for sure answer.

Life isn't like math, there are multiple choices, that lead to new problems and new answers. That's why I like math, because no matter how confused you are, you know how it ends, unlike everything else.

All of a sudden, the lock down alarm goes off. It states that its a major lock down and that if three bells go off we can go back to work but if five go off, we are supposed to scatter into the neighborhood.

I slip under the desk and so does Jaden, she was breathing heavily, and had a frightened look in her eye. She didn't like thrills, she hated being scared, not knowing, anything like that.

I give her a reassuring look and the first bell goes off. Two.....Three.....Four.....Five... Everyone looks around and freezes. I'm pulled out from under my desk and I expect the worst, but when I'm turned around, Taylor's face shows worry but within seconds it quickly fades away.

He hides my small body in his and he walks out of the class. Soon everyone follows, then comes Luke holding Jaden. He looked at me reassuringly and we all ran out of the school.

We made it out on the court yard, and everyone frantically scattered. I was hugged closer to Taylor's body. I looked up and he had an expressionless face.

After a while he walked us to his house, and I became uncomfortable. "Taylor, I'm gonna go" He sighs and let's me go, with a tiny push. The way the muscles in his arms moved, breathtaking. That was one of the only words to describe him. He walked into his house and cast a last glance at me.

I called Jaden, thinking she was either still with Luke or at her house. She didn't answer but she texted me afterward. Saying she was at her house.


Super short I know, but I tried. Its short I can't think.....love ya✌!


Caught Between Two Lies// FAN STORYWhere stories live. Discover now