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I realized it was Saturday, and I didn't have school today so I showered. I brushed my teeth, and got ready. Deciding to put off the science project for later, I put together a cute outfit. (above.)

I wanted to go out but my stomach started to turn. Ignoring it, I ran downstairs and my little sister Jackie was laying on the couch with a puke bowl. Suddenly from the smell in the air my stomach started to turn again.

I looked over at my family and everyone was pale and sleeping or pale and puking.

"Maybe you should stay upstairs or go out. I don't want you getting sick too." My dad said gravelly. I nodded and right as I made my way to the door, I could feel it all coming up.

I ran to the bathroom, an utter sense of discomfort and disgust running through my body, I puked up last night's spaghetti. I layed on the bathroom floor, feeling uncomfortable every time I moved.

I pulled out my phone, not usually posting a new status, but posted a picture of me laying there. With a caption of; feeling crappy, guess I won't be going out.

I played there puking every few minutes, and soon enough it wasn't anything but a clear liquid.

After about two hours a knock sounded at the door. "Come in..." I said quietly. The door slowly opened, and in popped Taylor.

"Hey babe, I brought you soup and chick flicks." Taylor said making me smile for the first time today. "Let me take you to your room." He offered me his hand, and helped me up.

"Where's my soup?"

"In your bedroom with the chick flicks." he said trying to pick me up but ended up lesson to an awkward position, with my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

No matter how awkward it was it felt right. We both ignored it, and he carried me to my room like that.


A second part to come in a few. once arms get a rest.

Caught Between Two Lies// FAN STORYWhere stories live. Discover now