Chapter 7

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Even a tiny bit of deceit is dishonorable when it's used for selfish or cowardly reasons.
- Jeanne Birdsall


Kajal: Houston! We have a problem.

My phone buzzed with message from Kajal in our group chat when we are Mr. Deshmukh's Computer Programming class. He makes me sleep, his voice has the same frequency as the sea waves that put people to sleep.

Guess what our group name is and who gave the name?

Best fries ever and me.

Get it fries and friends, I know I am awesome right.

I looked at Manju who's listening to this class like it's the most beautiful, wonderful lecture of life. I jabbed her with my elbow showing her the text. She shrugged at me and continued to listen to the stupid class.

Does she not understand that context of Houston we have problem. I huffed at her and texted her back.

Me: What's the problem?

Nidhi: What happened?

Sammy: Why am I in this group? And what kind of name is best fries ever?

Yup! Nidhi and Samrat are our friends now. It's been almost 6 months for our friendship. After that I started to believe that everything happens for a reason. Samrat and Nidhi were betrothed when they were kids. They are family friends and they've been together from 7th grade.

My fight with Sahastra gave me 2 more friends. People who were with me during my hard times.

I'm proud to call them my friends, they never judge me by grades or appearance. My parents like them too, in fact it was because of them I got a freaking 7.2 gpa for my 1st semester.

Kaju: The HH club has no volunteers for tomorrow's service and Randhir asked ME for help!!!! In case you didn't read it right, he asked MEEEEE. And the problem is I have to gather more people to attend.

I rolled my eyes at her excitement, she has a crush on Randhir our senio, the president of HH club. She looks at him like Papa and Mama look at each other or how Samrat and Nidhi look at each other or how Manju looks at her books.

Nidhi: Whoop! Whoop! Kajal and Randhir sitting under a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

Sammy: What are you? 3! And Janu Stop adding me back into this group.

Me: Oh my Kindred Spirit, It's finally your time to profess your love to thy crush.

Nidhi: Stop watching Netflix and being dramatic Janu. You WILL be in this group so live with it Sam.

Sammy: Drama is her middle name.

I could literally hear Nidhi yelling at Sammy and Everyone calls me Janu, they said if Karthik can call me Janu, they can do it too and I love that they call me Janu instead of Jagruthi.

Soon the bell rang and Rakesh sir announced that we will be having class with Kajal as Radha Maam is on leave today. I updated Manju with the things going on with Kajal and walked to the conference room.

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