Chapter 45

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No one can claim perfection, that's why everyone needs a second chance



"Really! You cleaned your work space, that's what you wanted to show me." She scoffed at me with a stinky eye while I smiled at her.

"Do you want an award for this?" She said making fun of me for bringing her here.

She looks better with a smile on her face and thewitty attitude of hers, I was so scared when she passed out on me. It felt like some one choked me to death in that moment, I couldn't breathe, I didn't know what to do expect sit by her side and pray for her to wake up.

Those seven minutes felt like hell looking at her lifeless body and now I can understand why everyone is so protective of her and requested me to stay away from her.

I am the reason behind her pain and I will be the reason for her happiness now.

She snapped her fingers to grab my attention and stopped me from staring at her face.

"Sure, If you can give me one for it. I see that you don't have an office in our house and you have been struggling in the porch and in your room, so I made you an office room. This is not that big, just a small space but I hope that will be enough."I explained to her showing her the setup.

I divided my garage into two and built an office space, with everything she likes in there. This is what I have been doing all day cursing myself at my past behavior.

"Come sit in here.." I dragged her to the new fancy swivel chair I bought for her, which is behind the desk I built.

"What happened to your hand?" She question me looking at my left hand covered in bandage.

"I cut my fingers trying to saw wood, those things are damn sharp." I said to her looking at my cut and feeling that pain again.

My Janu ran to the hospital after I got hurt while playing cricket, she broke down to tears but this girl before just sat still, she lost her empathy.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you being nice out of the blue?  You hate me, So Why now.." She asked gulping away the tears.

"Janu..I can never hate you.... I felt betrayed by you and it made me sick and mad. You are the last person I expected to hurt me and all your truths from others mouths, made me doubt our relationship. I know what I did was wrong. I should've had some faith in you. I realized my mistakes and I will do anything to erase them. I broke you, so I will help you build yourself together. "I said kneeling before her chair, placed my head on her knees, begged holding her hands in mine, and letting the tears out freely.

I can be vulnerable before and she would never judge me.

"Don't cry Devansh..Stop blaming yourself..It was my mistake too...I didn't mean to hide about my identity from you. I asked my mom to let me tell you but she said no, and at the same time I was scared to lose what we had. I guess we were just two immature kids back then.." She replied hiding her pain with a smile, and assured me holding my hand.

"But we loved each other, didn't we?" I questioned her and she froze at my words.

"Love was the only real thing we had.." She whispered after a long pause and lone tear slipped off her eyes.

"I remember the first time I saw and fell in love with you..Your eager and emotional eyes and that smile, just.. blew my mind...I knew that smiles are contagious but your smile stuck to my heart..and after that I fell in love with you every single day..all the moments we spent together..they have been driving me in your absence." I explained reminiscing all the beautiful times we had together.

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