Chapter 36

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Never give up on someone, you can't go a day without thinking about.



"Anshu! ANSHUUU..." My mom yelled, pulling my headphones off.

"You know that you didn't come out of this room from the last 4 hours right?" She asked as I was working on my new project ever since I came back from the farm and I nodded agreeing with her.

"I am done Mister, I don't care how much you love your work. You are not allowed to get into this place for the next two days. You are banned from this area." She passed an ultimatum while I was welding the wings of my drone.

What I am kid? For her to ground me like this.

I tried to ignore her but she grabbed the welding gun, placed it on the holder and took my new piece of art and started walking away.

"Maa, I need to get this done. Stop acting like a child and give me that." I whined at her as she walked into the house completely ignoring my disapproving grunts.

Before following her I turned off all the things and walked into my house, When I entered, I could hear my mother ranting about my closed behavior to my father who was humming in response.

Does every parent do this? Go to other one to control the ill mannered child or is it just mine?

"Can you stop complaining? I want to complete that, give me it."I went forward and snatched it away from her.

"What does this one do?" My dad asked pointing the drone in my hands, diverting the topic so my mom won't yell at me.

"This is going to scan all the crops and look for any kind of insects and bugs on them, later it will report what kind of natural pesticides you need to get rid of them to the owner." I said holding my drone proudly.

This is what I was doing from the moment I stepped out of college, during my last semester. With the money Dean gave I gave him Bhumi, my first creation.

What Bhumi does is, if you give her the soil sample, it will test the strength of it and with weather forecast of the next 3 months it will suggest what kind of crop would be beneficial for you.

I even got an award because of her and almost every farmer in our village and the surrounding villages use Bhumi.

"I did perform real time tests on all our crops last week. Just trying to get it fly for longer, the life span of this is just 15 min now." I told him as he kept staring at me.

"Great Job Anshu! I am proud of you." He said patting on my back, looking at me with blown up chest.

I go to work with my father during day, which is basically the prep work for my night job. Looking at real time problems gives me ideas, how to solve them.

"I need you take Sarita Aunty and her daughter to the hospital in the city. I have a meeting with the Sarpanch tomorrow and I won't be able to do it."He said smoothly but from the look of it, that was an order.

"Its been a year since you got out of this place. Go and meet Aarthav, have some fun." He continued.

The word fun was blown out of my dictionary, how can you have fun when you beating the weight of a soul inside you.

I looked at my mother, who's eager to know my answer. I couldn't disappoint her anymore that I did. So, I agreed to the task and left back into the garage, which is filled with things and a small cot in the corner for me to lay down.

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