Chapter 11

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One lie has the power to tarnish a thousand truths.

- Al David


There are days in life when you don't feel like getting out of the bed, for me that's every single day of my life, and rainy days are worst of all, they make me gloomy and sad, and I don't feel like doing anything like the Bruno Mars lazy song.

"Wakeup sleepy head, we are late for college." Kajal yelled at me by throwing a pillow on to my face for the last time. I opened my eyes and looked at Manju, Nidhi and Kajal who are ready in their uniforms. How do they do this?

I lazily got out of the bed, walked into the shower and got ready, by the time I reached my class the bell rang and the prayer hymns started resonating through the building.

I saw Aarathav and Devansh settling in my class.

Manju and Devansh always compete for the first rank, and the first ranker can pick the branch they want.

Why can't Devansh pick another branch or another section? I don't want to be in the same class as him and this first week has been harder looking at him and Sahastra together.

Any way Guess what Manju chose? Mechanical Engineering.

Yup! You heard it right. She wanted to dominate the patriarchal community one step at a time. She is the only girl in that class, I wonder how is she going to put up with 49 half grown men?

With all these thoughts half a day flew right by me, I had my lunch and walked to my first Digital lab with Nidhi.

The whole class is divided into two parts, the first 25 people do Signals and systems lab and the other 25 in Digital systems lab.

"Hello everyone! My name is Ram I'll be your Digital Systems lab teacher. You will be made into groups of 3 according to your roll numbers. Please find your number neighbor and walk to a table." The teacher dude said and started writing something on the board.

This sucks because I'm the last person in the 25, So I have to the freaking lab alone, my life gets better each day.

Yay! Lucky me.

I walked to the last section and sat down. Nidhi is paired with Rohan and Jahnavi. Samrat with Akshara and Charan. I am going to work all alone.

"Ah! She doesn't have anyone to work with." Ram sir said looking at me and turned away glancing at the whole class.

"Wait! let me pair you up with someone. Ummm.. You cricket guy go and join her." Ram sir said looking at Aarthav and Devansh who are paired with Deeksha.

Before he could say which one, Devansh packed his stuff and started walking to me. Why is Devansh joining me? I don't want to be closer to him.

I looked at Devansh who's nearing me with a killer smile on his face.

Thank you so much god! For always giving things I don't want in life. But, Devansh keeps on getting better, There is no big change in his appearance from last year, if not he looks way better than he did, he ages like Chardonnay.

Looking at him closer reminded of the kiss he shared with Sahastra, the pain it still gives me, and the kissing disease mono that soothed my pain that day, unknowingly a smile formed on my face at thought of them getting sick.

You are turning into a sadist.

It's just a thought, it's not like they will actually get mono.

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