Chapter 9

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"Lying is done with words, and also with silence." ― Adrienne Rich


"How about that girl there? She looks pretty. Do you like her?" I asked Karthik, looking at the girl passing through us on our way to the Dean's office.

"Janu! Stop fixing me up. I don't want a girl in my life now." He said not even sparing her a glance.

I've been trying to setup Karthik with a girl but he keeps dodging everyone. As far as the intel I gathered he did like a girl when he first came in and something happened she left the college, and ever since my cousin here is being all heartbroken.

"What about Manju? She is nice, I can vouch for that. Do you like her?"

"REALLY Janu! Manjula, she will kill you and me for even thinking that. " He exclaimed in shock.

That's true, Manju is gonna kill me for even having that thought.

"I can't set you up with Nidhi because of Sammy and Kaju has a crush on Randhir Bhaiyya, I am desperate, what do you want me to do? You pick a girl, I'll talk to her for you." I said walking backwards facing him.

"I told you clearly Janu. I just don't want to be in a relationship right now." He said seriously and I knew that was his ultimatum and I can't change anything.

"Fine! But you have to get my blessings if you ever like a girl. I should be best friends with her and we are going to gang up and tease you." I pouted at him.

"As you say precious, you will be the first one to know. And What about you? Do you have any guys you like or some crushes other than the people on TV?" He asked looking at my face for an answer.

"Pfft..Me..crush..No way. You said no boys remember. Why would I have a crush? and what is a crush nothing but a mere attraction or infatuation." I rambled away all the words in a squeaky voice.

God! Why is he giving me that look? Did I get caught?

You are so doomed, give him the name too or do you want me to spell it.

D E V A..

Shut up, and pray to god that we don't get caught.

"Karthik, Dean is ready for you."The office clerk interrupted before Karthik could say something.

Whew! That was close.

I wish you got caught, I wanted to see how Karthik reacts.

You and me are the same  person, stop acting like jerk.

I held my head and sat by the nearest chair. His office is more like a suite, with a lounging area and receptionist by the door, very fancy. Hmmm.... may be I should become a Dean.

Last week it was an Iron man, the week before a FBI Agent and the week before it was a chef, pianist.

I should really have a goal in life, If anyone asks me what I am going be in the future I don't have an answer for it. My goals are based on the shows and movies I watch.

Is it mandatory to have an aim in life?

Is there anyone in this world without any idea what to do next?

What am I gonna do after this college? Do I sit at home? Will I do something?

I was so involved in the thoughts that I couldn't see another person sitting beside me until I saw a hand moving before my eyes.

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