Chapter 23

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We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter. ~ Denis Diderot


I've been calling Jagruthi for the past 2 hours and she is not picking up my calls. She looked devastated, scared and broken by whatever Karthik bhaiyya told her.I want to hug and glue her to my body, that way she can never leave me.

Ever since she left the lab all the worlds negative thoughts have been entering my mind.

Did Karthik find out about us? Did they take her back home? Is she gonna come back? What happened that made her so miserable? That's the saddest I've ever seen her, she is not a person who cries.

She said that she would call after everything settles down but she didn't yet and it's almost 8 hours since she left. I am losing my mind, pickup, pickup the call, all my prayers went to vain as the call went back to voicemail.

"Devansh! What happened? Is Sahastra okay? Is she still crying?" Aarthav asked me placing his hand on my shoulder as I was sitting on my bed looking at Jagruthi's picture with my mom and dad.

I completely forgot about Sahastra, she was doing better when I dropped her back at the hostel after college.

All my worry is not about Sahastra, this is about the girl, who is the love of my life and she disappeared with out giving me a reason from the last 7 hours.

"She is fine!" I told him and texted Jagruthi to pick up my call.

"Let's go for dinner! Did you know that there was chopper at our Dean's house today? So freaking cool right!" He continued telling about things while my mind and heart went back to worrying for Jagruthi.

I walked with to the dining hall and all the TV screen's were showing how our CM got stabbed while coming back from Delhi at the Airport today. He was giving a speech from his hospital bad post recovery.

Jagruthi would be devastated by this news, She is fascinated by him. Every time she looks at him on a TV Screen or talks about him, she looks happy and not the person she shows the world.

I wish I could see her happy face right now, that would calm down the storm going on in my mind. I couldn't eat anything after that, so I told Aarthav I wanted to go to the library and complete some work.

I walked to the Library and found Manjula sitting in a corner with immersed in the book she was reading. I never talked to her during the last 3 semesters, but she is Jagruthi's best friend so my feet automatically walked to her to enquire.

"Manjula! I am Devansh, Jagruthi's lab partner." I introduced myself.

She looked shocked and then quickly adjusted her demeanor.

"I know." She mumbled.

"Jagruthi left in the middle of a lab session today, I just wanted to know if everything is okay with her." I asked her brushing my hair back in anticipation of her answer.

"I don't know, She is not picking up my calls. Sammy texted Karthik bhaiyya to check in, he said everything is fine and they will be back next week." She said with a worried look for her friend.

Her words relieved me, but not to a complete extent.

I said thank you to her and went back to my books and started studying Electromagnetics and Wave Propagation. Physics fascinates me, did you know that EM waves can travel through vacuum?

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I looked at the person, it was Manjula.

"Janu messaged me just now! She is fine." She said and went back to her corner in the library.

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