Chapter 12

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Elena was going through her plans for her building. Cami came and sat by her."Your working and your guy isn't here."

"Actually he went to go get food i got a craving." They had been in Paris for a month and a half and things were going great."And its not working more of just making sure that everything is in order."

"Ok i guess."
Sarah and Caroline were sitting in Elena's pent working while Rebekah was sizing Elena and Bonnie was looking over Articles. Caroline put her laptop down and stood to stretch."I really do hate working."

Bonnie put her computer down."Your not the only one Care your just the one that works the most."

Elena was trying to stay still it was hard not moving when she was getting sized. But with her incoming belly it had to be done."How about after she is done we go and do something maybe just walk around paris it would be nice i'm tired of seeing these walls."

"Is my hotel that horrible." They turned and seen Kol standing against the wall.

Sarah shrugged."It's plain and boring it needs a womens touch." She turned off her laptop."I sent all the pictures to Caroline so she can do her article on the new building. For the newest improvements."

Rebekah put down the measuer."Ugh you grew again i need to up your size thats why everything is tight."

"Ok what if we take an official tour of the who city all of us even Damon even if i despise him." Sarah smirked.

Caroline's phone dinged."Your sister just had her baby." She continued reading and found something that was about to piss Elena off"No she didn't Elena you need to see this she's saying she has the only living heir to the Gilbert Publishing Company,"

"Can she do that?" Rebekah looked at Elena and seen she was starting to get mighty pissed. She took a few steps back."But it isn't true. You have the heir not her and she doesn't even count because of the contract that your parents signed."

"She's probably just getting angry about what you did in that article when we got back from vegas you made it clear and known that she cheated and broke into your house."

Bonnie leaned over and looked at the article."Wow she got guts, she's obviously mentally ill to challenge your company but guts none the less." She looked up at her fuming best friend."She doesn't know your pregnant."

"No privacy is why were not telling anyone the minute everyone knows it will be everywhere. And i don't want them into the public eye if they don't have to be." She was very much pissed and intended to do something about it she picked up her phone and dialed a number."Yes its your boss i need my dad's old attorney i only trust her to handle what i need done can you put her through its Elena she'll want to talk to me." She put it on speaker she was really about to get back at her sister.

"Elena darling what do you need you only come when you want something done faster than the average lawyer can handle."

"I made my nephew a trust i may not like her parents but he is a different story and he is my nephew. Its currently in my sisters name but i want it changed to Damon Salvatore. i want him in control of it."

"You know me and your friend don't get along." She heard her start typing.


"I need one other name. Besides yours and Damon and it has to be a relative i can't just put anyone on a trust"

"Put it in Jeremy's, and if you could i want her stripped of all her rights that she still has with my company." It was time to cut all ties to her sister once and for all.

"By the way congrats i'm friends with Lily she tells me everything." They heard the keys on the keyboard."In Jeremy and Damon's name she is no longer a employee of Gilbert Publishing Company and i am cutting off all ties with her to the Gilbert name only thing she gets is the last name unless you want me to strip her of that to but she might try something but when she's petty your pettier and very scary." She continued typing and then found something more interesting."Oh shit you might want to know this."

"Know what Rose." She was intrigued at would else her sister would try to do.

"She has been tryong to petition you out like take the company from you but the shareholders aren't budging there liking how your running things. But two have signed it she gets one more she can take it now would be a good time for that merger it would keep her away because she can't challenge the Mikaelson's you may be richer but they are most definetly scarrier no offence but its true."

"None taken." Kol and Rebekah said.

"Done she has lost everything except her last name."

"Thank you Rose i love you very much."

"Your just saying that but side note i'll be waiting for an invitation to a baby shower bye Elena." The line went dead.

"There i'm done."

"Petty." Caroline smiled.

Bonnie shook her head."No Katherine and her are the definition of when Kat gets petty she gets pettier."
They were walking through the streets of paris. Klaus was talking with Caroline and telling her about Paris they were standing in front. Damon had his arm around Rebekah and the two were looking at the different sights. Bonnie was talking with Sarah, Lily and Freya as they walked through the streets. Cami and Marcel were talking about the next place they wanted to do a bar. Elena was holding Kol's hand with her other hand on her incoming bump.

"I say we take the next two days off." Bonnie suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Elena smiled. She was enjoying the free time she didn't get much of it and she would love to continue taking a break especially since the horny side to her pregnancy was starting tocome in."I quit"

Lily chuckled."You can't you own the company."

"Fine let me rephrase that i quit for the next week. I am refusing to work anything."

"Oh my god am i dreaming did you just say you are refusing to work." Cami loved seeing Elena so carefree and happy and not in work mode it made her day.

"I am 3 months pregnant and we've made a lot of progress leave me alone Cami."

"Hey no need to get fiesty." Kol smirked.

"I am always fiesty."

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