chapter 8

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Elena woke up in her bed. Last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her office. It was now Tuesday.

"How the hell did i get in here" Elena murmured.

Lily walked in."Morning sleeping beauty if your wondering how you got in here Kol moved you he said he'd be back in like twenty minutes Rebekah called she needed his help with something."

"What time is the appointment" Elena asked.

"2 its only 11 miss sleeping in huh" Lily said. She sat down next to Elena.

"I haven't slept in normally since i was 16" Elena said,

"I know that up your off today no work no confirming designs no online shopping for the company no doing anything for your job at all or i call Sarah" Lily said.

"You can't do that you work for me" Elena said. She knew how Sarah would get and it wouldn't end well.

"She said if she finds out she's gonna make sure i can never work again" Lily said. Elena shook her head she knew that was one thing Sarah could do. Scare the living hell out of any and everyone that could defy her and it always worked.

"Ok fine no work today but that doesn't mean you can't in 3 weeks that monday i need a meeting between My team and add Sarah into the system set her office she's the last one for my team" Elena said.

"Will do" Lily said.


Kol arrived at his little sisters place and walked in. Rebekah and Freya were sitting on the couch.

"Good my brother as you and her publisist i hate that i am the last sibling to learn that she was pregnant" Rebekah whinned.

"I thought she knew" Freya said.

"Yeah Henrick knew who told Nik who told Elijah. Sage noticed wasn't drinking and figured it out and told Finn but you didn't tell me and i make sure your image is good they don't." Rebekah said.

"I didn't tell Freya" Kol argued.

"Yeah he didn't lily handed Bonnie the ultrasound" Freya said.

"On a completly unrelated note can you convince your wife to let me come to Paris" Rebekah said,

"Don't you have a job" Kol asked. He knew his sister and that she always would forget things.

"Me and Freya made a small company we do interior decorating and fashion not a lot of people want us i need a long term arrangement" Rebekah said,

"I'm not intrested in Paris she already told me i can come with" Freya said.

"She said you could to come to Paris please Kol please favorite brother" Rebekah whinned.

"I'll see what i can do Bekah" Kol said.

"Thank you" Rebekah said.


Kol and Elena were at there first appointment. When they got there Elena walked up to the desk.

"She's waiting on you all Lily said was you needed an appointment"

"She thinks i broke a bone doesn't she" Elena asked.

"It's you were talking about its been 5 years since you've been here of your own will of course she thinks you broke a bone you know the way"

"Thanks i'm fine" Elena headed to Meredith's room and Kol followed her,

"You've broken more than one bone" Kol asked.

"Yeah" Elena smiled. They walked in the room and seen her at the table.

She turned around and got up."You don't come here on your own so what did you break your arm leg don't tell me you broke your ribs again we still got to talk about that"

"Hello god sister i am fine i did not break my ribs and i will not tell you how i did it" Elena said.

"At least i don't call you and make you take off for a check up why are you here" Meredith asked.

"Ultra sound" Elena smiled."You get to be an aunt."

"Well i have your first doctors order" Meredith smirked.

"You can't do that" Elena groaned. She knew her older sister and the things that she would do.

"Yes i can you work to much and i finally can do it because your healthy i couldn't do it before now i can next week you start working from home your not allowed in the office at all" Meredith said.

"Why" Elena pouted.

"I've been trying to get you to cut back for years spend sometime on yourself real time so your on a stay at home order and because i know how you work the baby doesn't need tat stress so you don't have a choice you can't work" Meredith said."Unless your at home because you don't need the stress"

Elena sighed and looked at Meredith."Fine you win"

She got on the table and pulled up her shift. Meredith came over and put the gel on her stomach. She got the wand and rubbed it around. Then she pressed a button and a small heartbeat filled the room.

"Your almost a month along and since you are you  have to stay at home it is still early you can still lose the baby." Meredith said.Elena nodded.

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