Chapter 11

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They were twenty minutes away from paris. Elena was up she woken up not long ago to puke.

Lily walked over to the couple." There are people waiting at the airport. I asked for a security detail. I know when you dont feel the best you don't like talking to anyone you dont know."

Elena smiled lightly. She was happy yo have people like Lily."Thank you Lily."



They had landed and got off the plane they had security to escort them to there luggage and then to there car. They headed off to the hotel. When they arrived a staff walked over to her."Hello Mrs. Mikaelson we've been awaiting your arrival someone asked me to give you this and to please meet her in the garden."

Elena looked at the note."Hello from afar hi my favorite teen businesswomen thought i'd stop by,"Elena looked towards Caroline."Wow. I haven't seen her since before the accident."

Bonnie smirked."Go there is only one person in the world that calls you teen bussinesswomen and can get get away with it."

"I'll be back." Elena ran to the garden.

"It's a really close friend. Last time they got to see eachother was in 2009 before Elena had to take over the company."

Elena ran to the garden really trying not to fall. She spotted her friend."CAMI."

Cami turned to her and smiled."Hi teen business women."

Elena ran over to her and pulled her into her embrace."Oh my god i missed you."


Elena let her go and smiled."So what brings you to paris."

"Well i heard that you were here me and Marcel are here opening another bar so i thought i would come see you." Cami smiled.

An employee walked over to the two. She handed a bottle of wine to Cami."Compliments of the manger."

"Wait your opening another bar here." Elena asked.

"Well in the hotel to be exact. It's something new. We thought that it would be cool to run it through a hotel." Cami went and grabbed a glass."Want a drink."Elena shook her head."So your either preggers or your just not in a drinking mood miss youngest known CEO ever."

Elena put her finger to her mouth."Shh."

"Were not telling people yet. Please don't tell anyone."

"Your going to show eventually Lena."

"It's not that i want to hide its just i want to get out of the spotlit not right back in it. News is finally settling that i got married."

"Married." Cami asked.

"Yeah." Elena smiled.

"Can i meet him."

Elena nodded."Lets go to my penthouse."

They reached the floor of the penthouses. Cami looked to Elena to ask."How did you get a penthouse? Marcel and I were lucky to get one. They said only one Pent was left the rest of them were full."

"I rented them all out three weeks ago and it helps that i'm married to the family that owns the hotel." Elena went to her pent and grabbed out her key and opened the door.

They got in and Marcel and Kol were on the couch. They closed the door and walkde over. Marcel spotted them before Kol noticed. He looked back to Kol and said."You married her good luck."

Kol looked at the two and smiled."Yeah i did."

Elena and Cami walked over and took a seat."Is that supposed to mean something Marcel. Don't forget i can end you."

"Yeah you got something to say." Cami asked.

"Kol this is my older cousin Camillie Cami for short."

"Turns out the world really is small." Marcel chuckled. All three of them looked at him."I went to boarding school with Klaus Kol was a year younger next grade always hanging with Sarah Salvatore trying to piss her off just because he could."

"Someone say my name." Sarah came out the back with Lily."Sorry i was borrowing her computer to send some pictures to myself of the layout Rebekah neaded it."

"If it isn't Sarah Salvatore herself."

Sarah went and had a seat."And he was only pestering me so he could lift my answers."

"How did a brainiac get sent to boarding school." Kol questioned.

Sarah turned towards Elena and Cami."You want to tell him."

"That was not our fault." Elena sighed,"Ok maybe it was. "

"We may have helped her jump a few people. And by we i mean Me Elena Caroline and Bonnie. They tried us and we had to get them back and we got them back hard." Cami said.

Elena shook her head and sighed."She got put in boarding school my parents didn't care what i did and Cami was forced to go live with her uncle in New Orleans. Liz took Caroline's phone for two months and Bonnie got grounded. It was fun times"

"I got sent to boarding school fun." Sarah said,

"The fact it took her a month to decide your punishment."


Sarah, Lily, Cami, and Marcel left it was just Kol and Elena. They had unpacked there stuff and were just laying in the bed. She was laying her head on his chest."How do we tell people i'm pregnant. As soon as it hits it'll be all over everywhere i'm tired of the spotlight. I wish everyone would just stop worrying about our life."

"Hey we don't have to tell anyone until you are ready to tell them. It's our business no one elses. How about when it gets darker we go see the Effiel tower."

Elena smiled."I like that"

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