chapter 5

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3 weeks later

Elena was at the company where a sudden wave of nausea hit her she didnt think much about it and went on she decided to skip her lunch break and got all her work done for today when her secretary walked in

"Elena lily called there is someone waiting for you at your house her name is Lexi" ruby said

"Ok" elena said she got up and walked to  her cabinet when another wave of nausea hit causing her to fall to the floor next thing she knows everything went black

Elena woke up in the nurse office of her company she sat up and looked around she seen lily talking to the nurse lily made the nurse leave and closed the door she knew what she was gonna say next was gonna freak her out

"Elena your pregnant" lily said

"What" elena asked

"Your pregnant 3 weeks exact she said you skipped your lunch and the nausea causing you to faint" lily said

"What" elena asked

"Here" lily said and handed elena a ultrasound

"Can we go" elena asked

"Yeah" elena said they left and got into the car and went back to elenas house when they got inside the girl was sitting on the couch with Jordan elena sat down

Elena was stitting on her porch when kol got there he sat next to her she handed him her ultrasound

"This is all happening so fast" elena sighed

"I don't know what to say" kol said

"Just tell me your not mad" elena said she just needed to know he wasnt mad at her

"Im not mad" kol said

"Someone wants to talk to us" elena said

Kol nodded and stood up he helped elena stand and they walked in the house and sat down on the couch in the living room

"Hi im lexi im a private eye i was in Las Vegas three weeks ago watching elena i know what y'all don't" lexi said

"Who hired you" elena asked

"Tyler Lockwood ive been watching you since you were 16" lexi said"he's been paying me good money"0p

"What" elena shivered "why are you just now telling me"

"I know why you got the restraining order and you two are not at fault for the wedding or even the pregnancy kols mother was there and your father you two have been in an arranged marriage since you were born but with everything they didnt want to tell you so they tricked yall made y'all get drunk and get married i was there and she slipped a Clomiphene citrate into your drink which can help you get pregnant" lexi said she knew they were confused she handed them a paper"i also swiped that it was signed by grayson and mirandia gilbert and mikael and esther mikaelson"

Business contract

Elena gilbert shall marry Kol Mikaelson by age 24 or she forfits all rights to her company to the mikaelsons elena who is the sole heir to the fourtune and company and is also to produce another heir by the age of 30

Grayson Gilbert
Mirandia Gilbert
Esther Mikaelson
Mikael Mikaelson

Made January 1st 1992

"What the hell they cant do this " elena snapped she was mad that her parents

"They can and they did they knew you two wouldn't agree so they sent you to Las Vegas when they could have sent anyone they made sure you were drunk before they did this" lexi said

"What do you want you wouldnt tell us this unless there was something in it for you" kol said he knew that this information has a price

"I want to be a reporter i proved i got what it takes I've been following her since she was 16" lexi said

"Prove it" elena said

"When you turned 17 you didnt have a party cause you were so busy with work" lexi said"on your 21st birthday you and your sister got into a huge argument and you found out your boyfriend was cheating cause katherine invited him here and you heard her tell him she was pregnant and that it was his"

"Lily can get you in the system you can be an undercover reporter your good" elena said

"I'll have her in the system by the morning" lily said she got up and walked out

"Kol your three brothers know finn Elijah and niklaus" lexi said "they were there"


Elena was in her bed she kept tossing and turning she got up and went downstairs she seen kol sitting on the couch

"Couldn't sleep either" kol asked

"More like scared to sleep" elena said she sat next to him

"Elena you know im not mad" kol said

"i don't trust easy" elena sighed"its not your fault "

"you can tell me if you want" kol said

"i was in an abusive relationship when i was 16 with tyler"elena said" 3 weeks before my parents died i thought i was pregnant i wasnt even if i was the baby would have died i told him i thought i was pregnant he was happy a week later i found out i wasn't he was now telling me to get an abortion i told him i wasn't pregnant he didn't believe me he beat me kicked me in my stomach so bad i was bleeding bonnie found me she got me here i spent the next two weeks in my room i never got to say goodbye to my parent the next week after that was filled with me talking to lawyers i got a restraning order i got the business the money everything my sister got nothing neither did my brother my sister or brother i didn't tell them what happened  only bonnie knows"

"me and bonnie broke up a year ago on the day we got married we broke up because she went to a party got drunk and slept with her ex who happens to be your brother we broke up the next day started sleeping around i haven't been in a serious relationship since" kol said"you should get some sleep you've been up since 6am"

"but i can't sleep" elena said "everytime i close my eyes all i see is me in a pile of blood"

"its alright" kol said"nothings gonna happen" he layed her head on his shoulder and rubbed her hair soon they both fell asleep

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