chapter 6

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Freya and Bonnie were going to see elena and kol bonnie used her key and walked in she knew they were both off with it being tn bhhe weekend when
they got in to the dinning room lily stopped them

"shh there both sleep here" lily said she handed them two papers they looked at it and both gasped

"she's pregnant" bonnie smiled she was happy for them even if it wasn't the most ideal situation

"they were in an arrange marriage since before either of them were born" freya said she wasn't really surprised she knew her parents would do something like that

"apparently she's scared to sleep bonnie i'm sure you understand that so they both fell asleep on the couch" lily siad

".yeah i know why" bonnie sighed remembering what had happened to her best friend"you might want to put these back before they wake up"

"i will" lily said she took the papers from them and went and put them back on the table

"lets go get food then we can come back" bonnie said"they should be woke"

"ok lets go" freya said her and bonnie left out

Elena woke up and was laying on kol's chest

"morning" kol said

"morning" elena said"i don't want to get up your comfy we get up we got to go to work i don't want to go to work" she loved her job but she wanted time for herself sometimes

"it's saturday" kol said

"i have to confirm the designs today for the one in paris caroline has articles she needs me to edit not to mention that i have to plan my sisters baby shower cause it will aparently help my image i don't get a day off" elena sighed she stood up and stretched her arms she knew that she needed to get up and get started on her work day

"who's making you plan your sister's baby shower" kol said  he knew that elena and katherine didn't get along

"your sister" elena sighed but she knew that rebekah was right her and katherine need to seem like they are on good terms

"my sister maybe extremely irritating but when it comes to keeping a good image its her she's helped me many time" kol said he stood up as the front door opened and closed

"i bought breakfast" bonnie said walking in with freya and lily

"she told y'all" elena asked she knew bonnie and that she only brought breakfast when she wasn't supposed to know something

"how'd you know" freya said

"bonnie only buys breakfast when she knows something that i didn't tell her" elena said

"caroline snitched and told me about a party you were throwing 1 time and bought breakfast that morning" bonnie said

"the party was in jamacia i spent 1 million dollars on and caroline ruined it" elena said

"you spent a million on her" freya said she couldn't believe it

"we went to jamacia we were there for two weeks we ate out everynight we went scuba diving in a shark cage rafting caves zip line to the montains we stayed in a cabin that was a thousand a night botanical garden zoo aquarium water park different beaches" elena said remember bonnie's 16th birhtday and everything they did when they were there

"can you take me to paris" freya asked she couldn't believe what she was hearing

"in my defense i didn't think you would spend that much money on me" bonnie said shrugging her shoulders

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