chapter 3

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Elena and Kol went to there meetings luckily they were in different places they finished and they all met back in the pent house

"ok so" freya asked

"first place Paris" elena smiled

"you did it" caroline shouted

"please tell me you got them to partner with you" henrick said

"i did" kol said

"they can still pull out of both deals they have a year to do so elena when does building start" elijah asked

"they already got the bulildings everywhere we just needed to get the deals with govenors to make it interntatial the paris one will be up in 6 months were doing it one at a time cause i have to hire all the workers  design how it needs to look for what the decorators need to do buy everything set it up and i have to be there for the grand opening" elena said

"what the hell" henrick said

"not to mention every thing she does a week there's a reason she was single not a lot of people can adapt to her schedule" bonnie said

"what the hell you are only 23" rebekah said

"so are we all going back to mystic falls" caroline asked

"i have to get tickets" freya said

"no you don't i have a private jet i don't get on public planes they freak me out so my parents go me a jet on my sixteenth birthday" elena said

"are you spoiled" rebekah said

"no she got into a crash at 15 swore she would never get on a plane again so she got a jet and katherine got a car jeremy got a motercycle she broke her arm in the crash it wasn't too bad cause they landed in water but it scared the hell out of her" caroline said

"yes i was spoiled" elena said"i got everything i wanted i was the oldest i was drinking at 15 my parents cared but they were always busy so i started to act out and do things i shouldn't have it was a phase i quickly grew out of when my parents died"

"back to you got a jet" freya said

"yeah 15 seats snack bar reqular bar solar paneled kitchen 2 pilots incase of crash 15 parachutes oxogen masks and we don't have to keep devices on airplane mode secure satilite" elena said

"spoiled" bonnie said

"it worked when you wanted to go to jamaica for your sweet 16" elena said"or when caroline wanted to go to paris for summer vacation when we graduated"

"toche" bonnie said

"you are really spoiled" kol said

"and your not" klaus said

"can we pack up and go lily texted katherine is waiting at the mansion with stefan and damon" caroline said

"your that elena" rebekah asked

"oh your rebekah i've heard good things about you" rebkeah said

"me to" elena said

"wait your the one dating damon" caroline said"i've heard about you we owe you a huge thanks you got him out of beating stefan"

"elena and damon have been best friends forever its a founding family thing when knews spread about katherine and stefan it was about to go down" bonnie said she noticed that rebekah's siblings were confused"he was the one who convered for her everytime she got drunk and passed out at my place"

"y'all got problems" henrick said

"wanna try me i will leave you here and let them enjoy the ride i own a publishing company and have a friend who can outhack anyone you want your secrets all over the internet caroline loves to right different articles when needed" elena said

"i again say i like her" freya said

"ok message sent" henrick said

"she scares me" klaus siad

"good" elena smirked

"i think we've found kol's twin" rebekah whispered

"i do not act like that" kol said

"yes you do" bonnie said

caroline phone started ringing"your sister is calling why is she calling me" caroline said

"cause i blocked her" elena said"speaker"

"hello" caroline said

"where is my sister" katherine said

"none of your business what do need" elena said

"get your skinny ass home now" katherine said

"get your pregnant ass out my house before i tell lily to get security to escort y'all out" elena said

"you can't do that i have the gilbert name to" katherine siad

"be smart and be gone before i get there or your getting escorted out and it won't be pretty" elena send and motioned for caroline to cut the call

"she won't be gone we know this" bonnie said

"and i can't hit my pregnant sister lucky me i'll deal with her when we get there" elena said

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