Chapter 16

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If not mentioned earlier Hayden has blue eyes yes you can get blue eyes from two brown eyed parents
Elena woke up to a knock at the door she got up heading down to the door. She knew security didn't show till 10 per new requests since she had Hayden and was no longer living alone. She told everyone they couldn't come till ten best thing she ever did but that meant that she had to come down when people knocked instead. She opened the door and seen Rose and Alaric with a baby."You do know that i have a new born right? What are y'all doing here?" She was confused on why they were at her door so early in the morning.

"We have a problem." Rose took a breath she knew that this was going to be a lot for Elena especially since Hayden wasn't even 2 weeks old yet but there wasn't much of a choice."May we come in."

She opened the door to let the three in. She closed the door behind them and went and had a seat on the couch. She was so confused and didn't understand who the baby was and why they came with him to her door."So what seems to be the problem."

"Your sisters on drugs."

Elena chuckled she didn't know what else she was supposed to say. But at least now she knew who the baby was."Wow Kat went to drugs is that her son Ethan right?"

"Yes because you know how you and your siblings both had to sign contracts when y'all accepted y'all positions after they died." Rose knew that no one ready the fine print accept probably Elena but she doubted that she even read all of it.

"Yeah, so what?" She didn't get what this had to do with the contracts.

Alaric took a breath he knew this was going to be hard for her. But it was the way things were."One of her clauses what that if she had a baby one mistake and she loses it and you get full custody. There's no way she could possibly change it and no one else can take it"

Elena stood up."Excuse me. Why would my parents do that? So basically now if she gets pregnant again i have to take her baby."

"You were the wild child because they didn't give you attention she was the wild child either way. But you were the one they signed into the contract they knew you would be ok so they put that clause in her contract so it didn't ruin your reputation." He understood why her parents did it but he knew that she wouldn't that wasn't the thing you wanted to hear after just having a baby that you have to take your nephew from the sister that got pregnant by her ex-boyfriend.

"He has a father." She may not have liked Stefan but he was still Ethan's father.

"A father who no longer cares about Katherine because she lost everything. That leaves you and only you." Rose knew that this was hard but as a lawyer it was her job to follow the terms of the contract no matter who it was effecting.

She took out her phone and called Jordan. She had no way out of this and she didn't have any other baby stuff besides what was bought for Hadyen."Hey."

"I need a favor."

"Sure what is it."

Elena had never been happiers that Jordan liked shopping cause she sure as hell was not about to do it. And the only other people she knew that liked it were in Italy."Do you still have my shopping card."

"Yeah Lily keeps sending me to buy baby stuff. You need more baby stuff don't you." She really liked shopping for baby stuff so she didn't mind when they wanted her to do it.

"Yes for my nephew he's 7 months i have literally nothing." She hoped that she wasn't asking for to much she knew that she got payed to do it but that didn't change the fact that she needed everything.

"I can buy everything from scratch really."

Elena could hear the excitement in her voice and was happy that she was so happy."Yeah sure."

"It might take me a few hours."

"Ok. Thank you." She hung up and looked at the two putting her arms out. Alaric handed him to her."He has his uncles eyes."

"Where is Kol?"

"He went to go see his mother with Hayden i don't really like her so i didn't go." Elena knew that was a rude thing to say but Kol didn't like his parents much either but there was nothing he could do about it.

"We know you have a lot going on but your the only one that can take him." Alaric didn't want to put the stress on her but he hadn't really had a choice in the matter.

"It's fine." She knew it would be hard work but there was no way she was letting him be putting into the system or anywhere else she would just have to get used to having him. For once she was happy she was her sisters twin.

Kol walked into the house carrying his daughters carseat. He seen Jordan getting stuff out of a truck she waved to him."Shopping gone wrong long story." She had gotten everything that she needed but had forgotten when you say its for Elena Mikaelson that they tend to work a lot faster.

He chuckled and headed inside Elena had texted him and told him she now had full custody of her sisters kid. He went in and seen Elena holding him walking around the room."I just want to slap her. After everything this girl turned to drugs." She couldn't believe that her sister would risk her baby like that. If she had anything to say about it Katherine would never see Ethan again how dare she?

"He'll be safe here?"

She turned and looked at him she hadn't known he walked in. She had been talking to herself she was pissed at her sister. She hoped that he would be ok with Ethan being there. Taking in another kid was a lot."So i'm not the worst wife ever for bringing in my Nephew after having Hadyen."

He set down the carseat and walked over to her taking Ethan. He hated her stressing and he was going to do more of an effort to get her to be stress free it wouldn't be easy but he sure was going to try"You are not the worst wife ever for taking in Ethan because he has an unfit mother. If anything i think that makes you the best wife ever. It may be a little more work then what we were prepared for but it'll be worth it in the end."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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