Chapter 18

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Elena had gotten used to opening the door in the morning Kol was upstairs playing with the kids who had decided to wake up early but she wasn't expecting who was at the door.."What are you doing at my house Tyler." She was pissed that he was hear but she had somethings to say before he did. This was the last piece of her past that she needed to be at peace with it. Even if it was just her at peace.

"Heard you had a baby and got married."

She smirked she could see how uncomfortable he was she crossed her arms over her chest."You’re violating your restraining order if you don’t leave i’m calling the cops."

“I thought we were closer then that Elena.”

She chuckled lightly she could not believe him right now closer than that. He had no right to say that.“Yeah well not my fault your a pig who can’t keep it in his pants Bonnie told me yesterday that basically after you beat me and abused me our entire relationship you had a slut on the side. I know what you did i hate you Tyler i’m happy for once since you sent me to the hospital and i never got to say goodbye to my parents i’m happy.  I'm happy since you turned me into someone who can't trust and is scared of everything.Just let me be please and with her as well seriously you choose VIkki Donavon to spend your time with because i was to wild for you i heard she’s pregnant so why are you at my door. Go see your slut the rich girl you abused doesn't want to see your face ever again.”

“See you got more-”

She nodded she just wanted to slam the door in his face. But she knew to keep her voice down she was not trying to scare her daughter and nephew.“Bolder sure of myself not easily manipulated yeah i did guess being with a good guy instead of assholes changed that. Daddy would be rolling around in his grave because you knocked up the trailer park trash. You downgraded that was for sure she will never be nothing more than a slut but its not like i care she can have your trash ass i'm sure you two will make a great couple until she decides that she wants someone better.”

“Well, what would yours be doing?”

She chuckled, she knew her parents would be happy with what she had became his would not be but her mother and father would be glad that she wasn't all into work and had a family of her own.“Celebrating because I’m over what you did because I’m at peace with my life because i have a wonderful family and I’m not alone crying myself to sleep anymore i’m not afraid of my own shadow anymore and i will never be again so bye Tyler it was horrible seeing you and stay the hell away from my family or i’ll send you to prison. I don’t think Vikki would like that because she can barley take care of herself. Me on the other hand I’ll be just fine without you in my life goodbye Tyler.” She closed the door and locked it. She was finally free from him and there was nothing he could do to change it.

Kol and the kids came downstairs seeing Elena standing sighing he was confused.”Who was that?”

“The last thing i needed to do to finally be freed of my past once and for all.” If she knew anything it was that even though she hated him for the cheating for the abuse she wouldn’t be mad because of him she made the decisions that she did. She now had a wonderful family and thats something she never thought would ever happen for her.She went and took Hayden from Kol. “We should go out its a good day.”

He smiled nodding he didn’t need to know what happened to know that his wife was finally happy without looking over her shoulder scared of something. She’d changed a lot since he’d first met her.

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