Chapter 15

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Elena  was in the hospital she was five centimeiters dialated and her contractions were really close and they hurt. She was surly squeezing the hell out of his hand."I want the epidural and i want it now i don't care what Lily says." She was in serious pain and she was not enjoying it but she knew that she wasn't supposed to get the epidural to early and her contractions were still 7 minutes apart.

"I'll go get a nurse but you have to let my hand go." He wanted to help her anyway that he could and he knew that part of that was getting his hand squeezed and probably being cussed out.

She took a breath and let go of his hand."Go." She was happy that she had him with her this was not a nice experience.

He left and went to go get a nuse she took deep breaths this was going to be worth it in the end. Over the last nine months everything had changed she wasn't as sad as she was when she found out that she was pregnant she was happy for the changes. She loved her life now and that she wasn't throwing herself into work and that she could do something else. And she was happy to become a mother she just hoped that she was going to be a good one.

--5 hours later

She was now holding her precious daughter in her arms. Kol was standing next to her."There in the waiiting room want to have them come in."

Elena nodded. She was happy that they had came to visit her she had missed her friends and even his siblings."Yeah."

He went and got his siblings Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, Sarah Cami Marcel and Jeremy. They walked in and went over to her."Aww she's so precious whats her name." It was no secret that Caroline was getting baby fever right now she couldn't believe that Elena had a baby before her.

"Hayden Miranda Mikaelson"

"Aww that is adorable." Caroline cooed she was already in love with the baby."Oh my god i want a baby"

"Take the picture for your article."

Caroline nodded taking out her phone and taking a picture of the three of them. She was so keeping the picture for herself but she knew that she needed it for work to."This is so cute i'll send it to you."

Sarah walked over to the three."We flew here as soon as he told us your water broke how was it." She knew that it must have been painful but she also knew that it was going to be worth it. They may have been a business deal by there parents but she already could see that they would last.

"I got the epidural i think i hurt his hand." She was sorry for how hard that she squeezed it but he couldn't complain giving birth hurts.

"I bet you did can i hold her." Elena nodded and carefully gave Hadyen to Sarah. Sarah smiled at how cute she was she looked just like the both of her parents."She is such a beauty. When do you get discharged."

"In 2 days."

"Is your dad coming."

Elena shook her head she only told Alaric that she was in labor she didn't want anyone else there. There but real family Jeremy Alaric her best friends and her new family."Hell naw i only called Alaric i wasn't inviting that asshole here."

"Well you should get some sleep will be here for another 48 hours before heading back to Italy."


Elena was in Hayden's room rocking her to sleep. She remembered being happy when she thought that she pregnant at 16. But that changed when Tyler decided he didn't want what she wanted. That was about the time when she started locking herself out. She was happy that she wasn't thinking back she truly hated him for everything he had put her through but looking at her baby and her life now. She could say that she was happy that things happened the way they did. Although she wished that she would have gotten to say goodbye to her parents what happened had been for the best.

When she got her to go to sleep she gently put her in the crib. A few things that had learned since Las Vegas. Was sometimes everything happened for a reason. She may have not known him when they first met and was to scared to really know anyone else after her break up. But Hayden changed everything and she was greatful for it.

"You ok?"

She turned and seen Kol standing by the doorway. She nodded slightly smiling."Yeah i'm fine." She walked over to him."She went down easily but she'll be up in a few hours."

"I'll get her when she gets up you need sleep." He didn't want her doing everything he knew that she was used to do everything by herself but he wouldn't let her do everything. He was here to help with everything.

"I'm a light sleeper sounds wake me up." She was happy for once in her life she was truly happy and she wasn't going to let anything change that.

He took her hand intertwining there fingers as they entered there room."I may not wake up easily but i will hear her crying and i think my wife needs sleep."

They both got in the bed she layed her head on his shoulder."Did you tell your sisters were coming out when she hits six months." She looked up at him they had planned to take Hayden to Italy Elena had been working on getting the passport when she was pregnant and they said she could file the paperwork as soon as Hayden was born which she did so they would receieve it on expidited shipping which translated to 2-3 weeks.

"No i want it to be a surprise." He ran his fingers through her hair knowing it helped her to go to sleep faster. He watched her slowly go to sleep he turned off the lights and soon fell asleep to. They were far from the average couple but they made it work.

A/N-There are 3 more chapters and the epilouge left after i get a few more of my Kolena stories done i do have drafts that y'all can pick from

==A/N-There are 3 more chapters and the epilouge left after i get a few more of my Kolena stories done i do have drafts that y'all can pick from

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Ill be putting both of these in my draft book

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Ill be putting both of these in my draft book

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