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5 years later

Elena was running around the house chasing the kids they had to get them to school but it was not easy when they wouldn't stop runnning away from her."Ethan Hayden come on you have to go to school."

"No mama." Hayden was a lot like Kol she had an evil streak and she hated school.

Kol walked in with Rebekah seeing Elena scoop up Ethan who had stopped running when he heard the door open. He was easier to deal with that was for sure."There running again."

Elena nodded she loved being a mother but she hated how they were but Hayden was a daddy's girl and when she heard he was home she always listened."Hayden Daddy's home."

Hayden ran over putting her hands out for Kol to pick her up."Daddy" He picked her up she was so easy when it came to her father but she loved being a handfull for her mother.

"Are you ready for School?"

"I don't like school."

Rebekah chuckled she loved her neice she wsa so cute and she got everything that she wanted with them blue eyes of her."No one likes school but you have to go."


Elena put Ethan down as he ran over to Rebekah she rested her hand on her 3 month bump."There driving me up a wall. I just want to strangle them because they won't listen there ready they just won't get in the car."

"Well on the brightside at least you have 6 months before you have no sleep at night."

"Lets get them to school."

Elena was going through an album of pictures since she was pregnant with Hayden time was going by so fast and she hated it."There growing up so fast." She looked up at her husband who was standing by the doorway."I don't like it,"

"There only 5." He knew that since she was pregnant her hormones were going through the roof and he always tried to be careful what he said to her.

"But there growing up so fast 5 years and they'll be halfway through mandatory school. They'll be double digits. I'm not ready for that." She was over exagerating and they both knew it but she was mad she felt like they were growing up so fast.

"Thats still five years away."

"I know i know. I just don't like it. I'm happy i work from home." She worked a lot while they were in school so when they were home she could dedicate her time to them and her family.

"Well we can do that cause we own the company but others can't."

Elena shrugged she knew that she was privledged that she could do things that others couldn't."I told them if they need to be at home just to let me know they know i used to fire people a lot so they don't like asking."

"That was 5 years ago remember you went on a firing binge over an article."

She smiled rememberng her firing streak she had sure gained a reputation for herself she was not to be messed with."Its how i get people to listen to me we are running a multi-billion dollar company we don't have time for slackers and people that cant get the job done."

He knew something that could easily change the subject so she would stop being sad he knew her better then a lot of people."Nik says he's bringing Caroline and the girls over for a movie-night because they she is going insane."

Elena jumped up."Yay i gotta go call Lily." She quickly kissed him before running out the room. He shook his head and followed her,
Elena was in the theatre room settng out covers and stuff when Caroline walked in. They bonded a lot especially because of the kids and because they were dating brothers."Hey where are the kids?" Caroline really wanted to see her niece and nephew she was happy that they could do this it was awesome.

Elena smiled to her best friend going to give her a hug."Kol went to get them from school what Movie should we watch."

"How about one of he newer ones somethng that we haven't seen before. And i am loving your bump." Caroline knew what it was like to be pregnant and she knew Elena went through a lot of different emotions one being that she was getting fat and couldn't fit anything so she always tried to not sound mean so she wouldn't accidentally releash the tears.

"Ok we got popcorn and Jordan is making taco shit because thats what i want so were having a taco bar."

"Sounds good. Need any help?"

"Just get the kids to sit down and watch the movie."

"Got it."

They were used to doing things like this and they knew the kids always like it when they did movie days.

Caroline got all 5 kids cause she has Hope who is 4 and Lizzie and Josie who are 2. The kids were stting down on the floor on covers with juices chips and they each had a small plate with pop corn and nachos.

Elena Caroline Kol and Klaus were sitting in the seats as Elena pressed play on the movie leaning her head on Kol's shoulder. She was happy she had a family of her own things were good. She made peace with her best she didn't have any contact with her sister who could never come to see Ethan. And she had people around that weren't trying to use her. Things were great.

The End.

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