chapter 10

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Elena was packing and trying to decide what she was taking with her. She was having a very hard time. Rebekah walked into her room."You ok."

"I am very much considering buying clothes there i can't really fit anything here" Elena said.

"Elena i have everything ready for you already." Rebekah said.

Elena lookeda at her and sighed."Oh ok."

"Everything is ready to go." Rebekah said.

"Oh how i hate traveling." Elena ran to her bathroom and started throwing up. Rebekah had become used to this in the last few weeks. The morning sickness. She also learned to stay away from Elena who was not a fan of this.

"My brother went to go get Freya. And i think snacks." Rebekah said.She heard Elena mummor an ok."I'm gonna go make sure that everything is ready." She didn't like hearing people throw up. But she knew with pregnancy it ad to happen.


Elena was sleep on the couch when everyone arrived. She hadn't slept last night trying to make sure that everything was ready for today.

"Do we leave her sleep." Caroline said.

"Caroline you wake her up she will kill you." Kol warned.

"Everything is packed and were ready to go." Lily said.

Jeremy walked in."I'm here."

Lily walked over to him. She had the spare key in her hand."So do not let anyone in her house. You don't like Katherine she doesn't like Katherine don't let anyone in. She has Camera's she will know if you do something. Don't mess up anything she doesn't care what you do. It just better be clean when she gets back unless you want her to murder you. Don't go through her stuff she'll kill you. Feel free to play in the bowling Alley. Caleb and Jacob will still be here making sure no one sneaks in so will Jordan and Sam there litterally getting paid to do nothing. Jordan will be bring her daughter over warning. You know your way around the house if you move back in she doesn't care she just said take the west wing. Don't let  anyone in her basement closet. Caroline called dibs on three of them dresses and if there missing she'll send Caroline to yell at you. Pool person come once a month usually on the 7th please don't forget the pool gets dirty outside really fast."

"Lily i got it i know my sister." Jeremy knew why his sister was freaking out. He got it. But he didn't need her and Lily freaking out.

"Jeremy if you mess up and or forget to do something or someone gets in here she'll kill you. We gotta go." Lily handed him the key.

"Bye Lily. Have fun in Paris everyone i'm going to her game room."

They all headed outside and Jeremy locked the door behind them.  Kol had Elena in his arms she was still sleep. He went to the first car which he knew was for them and put her in the passenger seat.

Caroline Sarah Rebekah and Freya got in the second car for the team with Lily."In two weeks Bonnie Damon and Klaus are coming to Paris."

"Why?" Sarah asked.

"First bitch." Rebekah cursed.

"I meant the guys not Bonnie." Sarah said.

"Damon's my boyfriend. Second Kol needs Nik so they can draft a contract for the merge." Rebekah said.

"Why do they have to merge." Caroline asked. She was nosey and unlike most of the world she was one of the people that knew the true story.

"They talked in over and it actually would be a good idea." Freya said.


"Well it would mean that her company is the only company that can report on his company and they become co CEO's and the baby would take over when they step down. And get both of them. It also means that everyone that works at her place gets discounts for everyone one of his."

"Say no more."


They arrived at the airport. He put all the bags on the cart so it could go on her jet. Before waking her up. He opened her door and genty shok her shoulder.


"Were at the airport."

She rubbed her eyes and nodded. She opened her eyes and looked around so confused."Oh." She took the cover off of her and unbuckled her seat belt. He helped her out of the car.

They went and joined the others and went through airport security and then to her jet. They each took there seats Elena and Kol sitting in the back. Elena was starring out the window with her hand unconciously resting on her stomach."Will be heading off shortly. Please buckle up you may unbuckle and move around once we are in the air. Please remain in your seats until you hear the all clear this is a no-stop trip to Paris the flight is 8 and a half hours. When we are in the air feel free to connect to the planes wifi that will not intervine with any towers near by. The kitchen was fully stock in the last 24 hours have a safe trip."

"You ok."

Elena nodded."Just tired." She layed her head on his shoulder."I'm going back to sleep."

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