Chapter 17

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Elena and Kol walked into the hotel with the kids in their arm although she hated how she ended up with Ethan. They seen Caroline in the lobby talking with Klaus she seen them and screamed."What are you two doing in Italy?" They knew that no one had knew that they were coming.

Klaus turned and seen his sister and brother."What the hell are you two doing here?"

The two walked over to them knowing that they were obviously confused."It was a surprise."

"Are you here for work or Vacation?" Caroline was confused to why tey were there but she was happy nonetheless.

Elena chuckled her friend was as nosey as always but that was what made Caroline Caroline ."I am not here to work, we came to visit where is everyone else."

"Probably sleep were only up because you know i don't really sleep i survive off Coffee."

Elena had the perfect idea she was sort of happy that the others were sleep that gave her time to show Kol around Italy."Well since they aren't wake and probably won't be for awhile i am going to give him a tour of Italy"

"Ok well have fun."

If Elena knew her best friend and she did she knew that she needed to make a few things clear."Don't tell them were here yet just meet us in the party room later."


Elena and Kol were walking around spain they were pushing the stroller that had them it."So how many times have you been here?" He knew that she traveled a lot she'd been to more places then he had.

"A few times vacation Italy is beautiful." She did love traveling thats probably why her parents got her the jet. Because she would splurge and go places randomly.

Kol smiled shaking his head and turning to look at her. He had a pretty good idea of how she pcked all the locations for the international companies"How did you pick your locations?"

"Places that i would like to go Paris Italy England. I could splurge and up and go there because i am the CEO and i put the company there. In some ways going international was giving me a lot more freedom then what i had it was to do more. I think thats why my parents wanted they wanted to go international before the cancer took them so that i would have more freedom. If i had to go place to place with who my friends are i wouldn't be going just for work. I would be having fun with my friends an family" She couldn'thelp but miss her parents in times like this everything that they had done it was all for a reason.

"It's good to see you worry about something other then work."

"It feels good."
Kol and Elena went into the party room where the others were. Bonnie seen her jumpng out her seat and runnng over."The hell are you two doing here?"

"She can fly now and i already got her passport. So we thought we'd fly in and surprise y'all we've been plannng this for at least two months."

"Can i hold her?"Elena carefully passed Hayden to Bonnie who craddled her."She's so cute aww she got blue eyes."

Elena knew what blue eyes meant her best friend had them it meant they would get away with literally everything."Unfortunaly the doctors said were both carriars for the gene i was confused. Apparently my sister is to cause they both do."

"Well you have a heartbreaker on your hands. Or two."

Sarah Rebekah and Freya came over giving the two hugs Freya taking Ethan from him,"I have baby fever."

"I hate you Elena i was never keen on kids until now." Caroline whinned. Walking over and starring at the two."Can't i just steal her for a few days." Caroline knew that everything changed once Elena got married. And not just for her she was finally doing stuff for herself they all were.


"Fine. I don't like you right now. But if you need a babysitter call me not them."

"Ok." That was something that Elena could do let Caroline babysit but she was not letting her steal her daughter.

Elena and Kol spent the next few hours catching up with all of them and passing around the kids who everyone wanted to see.

She was standing off to the side with Bonnie and Caroline."When we went to Vegas for the confrence did you ever think that this would happen?"

Elena shook her head it was the last thing she had expected when being told that she had to attend the confrence in Las Vegas because they didn't have a repesentative that would fit the position. But if she knew anything now it was that she would never go back and change a thing she loved her life and nothing would change that."Never but looking back i wouldn't change a thing i love it now."

Caroline sighed as much as she didn't want to be the downer someone had to."But your not at peace your still tense."

Elena breathed slowly she knew it was true there was only one thing that she needed to do now."Maybe the only thing that would change that is talking to Tyler which i refuse to do willingly."

"Well you know Tyler he'll show up one day telling you that you made a mistake." Caroline chuckled no matter how Kol and Elena came to be she knew that it wasn't a mistake no matter waht anyone said.

"I don't get how he was with Vikki when he was supposed to be dating you."

Elena and Caroline looked over at Bonnie."Excuse me." They both wanted to make sure that they had heard correctly theat was not what they had expected to hear. But they couldn't say they were surprised.

Bonnie shrugged she had heard it from Sarah and she wouldn't keep it from her best frend."Sarah told me i couldn't keep it to myself sorry it was not supposed to come out like that."

Caroline chuckled now that was irritating she couldn't believe that Tyler did that to Elena."Even more of a reason why he is a pig isn't Vikki Pregnant right now." 

"Well either way the day he decides to be an asshole and ruin my peace is the day i tell himm off." Elena smirked she was going to be at peace with her life and her past and move on with her future and her wonderful family.

"Go you"

Elena smiled she was not going to let him ruin what she worked so hard to build she finally got the family she never knew she always wanted. Someone that loved and cared about her and wasn't just using her and there was nothing that could change that."Bout time i finally am happy and he will not ruin that if anything i'll hurt his feelings and he'll never both me again"

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