Chapter 9

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3 weeks later

Kol was at work and Elena had started working from home. So much had changed in the last three weeks. They had begun to act like a real couple.

She was having a bad day she couldn't fit into any of her pants so she was wearing jogging pants. She was in her office trying to get the rest of the decorations and her computer wasn't working so she threw it on the ground and it  broke.

"Lily" Elena yelled.

Lily ran in."Whats wrong"

"I broke my computer i can't fit into any of my pants and i can't find the decorations top it off with i'm about to fire 5 people" Elena said.

"Ok come on you need to be away from work for a little bit" Lily said. She guided Elena out the room. She sat her in the living room turned on the tv."Hot chocalate tea what would you like"

"Hot chocalate" Elena answered. She knew that she needed to calm down.

Lily walked out and walked back in and seen Elena pacing on the phone. She knew that this was bad.

"I don't care how much you like them there fired and if there there when i come in friday i am firing you do you want that .. i  didn't think so they published information on me that was not allowed to go out yet Elena Mikaelson getting into an argument with her pregnant sister was not supposed to be out so there fired now they can find work else where goodbye" Elena said. She hung up and looked at lily. Who was just shaking her head.

Lily handed Elena the hot Coca."Here"

"Thank you" Elena said.

"What point of no work didn't you here" Lily asked.

"I'm mad all my clothes are custom fit if i can't fit my jeans i can't fit my shorts my skin tight dresses or my skirts which i don't  wear." Elena said. She hated clothes shopping and bought a lot of clothes so she didn't have to shop anymore.

"I'll figure something out you sit your done for the day i'm so happy i make sure everything is copied to your cloud automatically." Lily said. She left out leaving Elena alone.


Kol walked into the house and Lily was waiting for him."Please tell me that you know someone that can decorate really well and knows fashion she's on a power rage. She broke her laptop fired 5 people and destroyed her office everytime i told her she couldn't work she went right back to working i had to lock her in the movie theatre and make her watch a movie she fell asleep in there i'm scared to wake her she might not want to yell at you"

"Go to Rebekah's she can she was just complaning not that long ago i got her" Kol said.

"Thank you" Lily said. She grabbed her phone and Keys and ran out. She knew that Elena would wake up soon and would be pissed. She got in her car and headed to Rebekah's when she got there she knocked on the door.

Rebekah opened it."Lily what are you doing here."

"Your brother told me you can decorate and know your way around fashion" Lily said.

"Yeah i like being an interior decorator its fun going online shopping and then seeing how it is seeing the change i like painting and i love seeing the result and I know a lot about fashion i know how to measure sizes and the different size charts why do you ask" Rebekah asked.

"Elena needs a interior decoration and someone to handle her clothes because she is getting fatt and she hates it and she's taking it out on everyone else she fired 5 people broke her laptop trashed her office i locked her in her movie theatre forcing her to watch a movie she eventually fell asleep i need your help" Lily said.

"Sure i need a permanent job anyway" Rebekah said.

"Great" Lily sighed.


Kol walked unlocked the door and walked in. He seen Elena laying on the floor by the chairs curled up in a ball with covers draped over her. He walked over to her and knelt next to her. He took the blanket off of her and lightly shook her shoulder."Darling its time to get up."

Elena shook her head and pulled the cover back."NO"

"What if i told you that i got cookies and cream ice cream and banana's" Kol smirked,

She opened her eyes and looked at him."Using cravings against me." She sat up and looked at him."Fine only way i'm getting off this floor is if you give me a kiss a real kiss not that fake kiss you gave me this morning"

He knelt next to her. He caressed her face and leaned in and gave her a kiss.


When Rebekah and Lily walked into the house Elena and Kol were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Elena was leaning against him eating cookie dough ice cream with pieces of Banna's.

"So your calm" Lily asked.

"Yeah i'm fine" Elena said.

"You destroyed your office. And broke your laptop." Lily said,

"Everything is copied right" Elena asked.

"Yes everything is fine. It wouldn't be the first time you trashed the place." Lily said.

"Probably won't be the last either' Elena said,"I heard your good with Fashion and decorating you wanna be hired permanenly it means you will be helping me with each design and coming to each place i have to go,"

"Seriously" Rebekah asked,

"Yeah you in" Elena asked.

"Why not" Rebekah smiled.


Making a Pretty Little Liars tvd cross over someone can be a twin whoever has the most comments or messages thats who each girls parents will be

Thanks for the people that helped me pick the ships to be parents for the kids

For aria i got- Kolena Kolvina Steferine
Hannah- klaroline jerbekah sterolines (matt and Caroline)
Alison- klayley klaroline jerbekah stebekah denzo
Emily- bamon luciena
Mona- kolena (meredith and alaric)
Spencer- kolena bamon bermey kalijah

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