Chapter 14

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Elena was walking through the paris building looking at everything it was all done they had staff they had everything done and this was the first building with the sign change Gilbert-Mikaelson publishing she loved it the media hadn't gotten a hold of her pregnancy yet and for that she was greatful. A lot was about to change and she was ready for it. She finished walking through waving to the new employees. When she reached the door to end she could see the big crowd it was officially the grandopening. She was so happy it was time to announce the news.

Rebekah who had been waiting by the door for her handed her a Jacket."Just put this on and go to the potium they won't see the bump Kol is waiting for you."

Elena put on the Jacket and zipped up it was baggie so it was hard to tell that she had a 7 and a half month bump under it."Everyone is here?"

"Sarah, Lexi, Caroline and Bonnie are standing on the side of the stage with Freya and Lily. The guys are in the crowd with Cami and Marcel it is broadcasting so that everyone across the world gets to see this."

Elena nodded. She was more nervous than she expected to be. She took a breath."Lets go."

They opened the door and ducked under the ribbon that they were going to cut for the grand opening Rebekah went to join the girls on the side of the stage while Elena went and stood by Kol."You ready?"

She nodded slightly as the crowd began to calm down."Hello I am Elena Mikaelson Co-Ceo of Gilbert-Mikaelson publishing company and Mikaelson Incoportated"

"Hello I am Kol Mikaelson Co-Ceo of Mikaelson Incorportated and  Gilbert-Mikaelson Publishing company"

"We are going to answer a few questions then there is something we have to say before we cut the ribbon and let people in. So please one at a time ask questions."

"You and your sister got into an argument at the party celebrating your new marriage why?"

"Me and my sister don't get along and i am CEO of my parents company put the pieces together."

"Is it true that you only did the merge because your sister is trying to steal your company from you."

"No we were planning on doing the merge already and my sister can't steal something she can't work for."

"Did you really cut your sister off."

"Yes happily." She didn't want to sound rude but it was true her and her sister didn't get along and she had cut her off.

"So its true your sister is trying to use her son to take your company because you don't have an heir yet."

Elena and Kol looked at eachother and smirked."I guess that leads to announcement." They turned back to the crowd.

"What my sister in law failed to know when she made a claim to our company is that my wife is pregnant."

Elena unzipped her jacket showing off her 7 month bump."I am actually 7 and a half months pregnant with a girl. We have known since i was about a month along and due to the fact that i am almost at full term and that we are CEO's."

"We are not steping down just putting a few people up higher. Well acutally more than a few people."

"I am putting Sarah Salvatore and my sisters in law Rebekah and Freya in charge of getting the buildings up and running."

"We are also putting Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes in charge of Media Coverage for the new buildings."

"My brother Jeremy Gilbert will be joining them as he is an artist and can help them with new designs in my place and because i edit everything that my best friend writes we are also recruiting a new editor and since the girls have always outnumbered the guys on my team and my best friend is going to be here anyways and he taught me a thing or two about editing i am putting him in charge of that and having my brother in law help with Caroline with Media Coverage. Now whose ready to see the newest addition to Gilbert-Mikaelson publishing company"

Everyone started to cheer.

They took the huge sissors and both cut the ribbon as everyone started to cheer more

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