chapter 4

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when they got off her plane there was a limo waiting

"your really spoiled" kol said

"you've seen nothing i have a mansion who wants to see it" elena asked

"me" rebekah said

someone opened the door and the all got in

"where to Mam"

"my place" elena said "we aren't stopping for pictures no detours"

"yes mam"

"wow" freya said  she couldn't believe how much power elena had

when they arrived they all got out

"what the fuck" rebekah said

"i love her house she has a bowling alley swim pool and movie theatre" bonnie said she knew they were all shocked

"come on" elena said they walked in and there were three people waiting"this is lily my assistant sam maid although i usually clean she pracitcally raised me and thats jordan chef i can't cook to save my life"


two guys walked in"this is my security caleb and jacob why is katherine here" elena said

"she threatened to yell and scream and saying we were trying to hurt her" caleb said

"lily call liz you two give them a tour bonnie and caroline come with me" elena said she walked into the living room and seen stefan damon and katherine

"look my sister who just got married" katherine said standing up

"why are you here your not welcome here" elena siad

"i grew up here to sis" katherine said

"but i got everything the house the company so leave your not welcome" elena said

"elena" stefan said

"you shouldn't be here either you cheated on me with my twin sister" elena shouted she didn't understand why they were still there

"lena calm down" damon said he knew she was mad but she needed to calm down

"i don't want to calm down i want them out my house" elena said she hated them with everything she had they had ruined everything

"what did you do mess up again still can't handle your own life" katherine said she couldn't lie she was mad that her parents left her nothing

"i messed up i just closed the deal that our parents couldn't get out now" elena said

"i don't have to" katherine siad

"yes you do" liz said walking in"the house belongs to her not you so therefore you can't be here without her permission"

everyone else walked back in

"this house is awesome" rebekah said

"it is it used to be mine mom was supposed to give it to me i was supposed to be getting eveything but they gave everything to you the girl that spent every weekend drinking" katherine said

"you were never supposed to get it" jeremy said walking in"elena was always getting everything cause they knew why she was acting out cause you got all the attention when they weren't at work cause they didn't care about her most of the time they let her live her life they wanted to see what she was going to do they both had cancer and were gonna die anyway so they got into the crash and she got everything her life changed and the two people that were always supposed to be there betrayed her she was working all the time staying up all night working getting everything published something you wouldn't have been able to do or what about the fact that she was already going into writing she goes to every event there is she does everything to finish what mom and dad started you wouldn't have been able to do that and you went and got yourself knocked up by her boyfriend"

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