Chapter 13

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Elena was now 5 months pregnant and they were doing the finishing touches for the merge or the companies. They were finishing off all the paperwork. They were talking with Freya about what would happen once they did the merge.

"So what happens when we sign these papers." Elena asked She wanted to know what she was signing and what she was going to do. There was one thing that was for sure making her do this and that was she knew Katherine wouldn't stand a chance against her and she didn't need the stress with her pregnancy.

"So your CEO of Gilbert Publishing Company and him with all the Mikaelson companies and properties. Joining them together first name change Gilbert-Mikaelson for both but it would also make y'all both in charge of both of them. And it combines it all like positions can change and then your reporters now have exclusive offers to report on anything Mikaelson related it's going to be huge."

"Ok and once we sign this and all of it gets filled what happens then." She didn't need any type of surprises.

"Caroline rights an article Bonnie does a huge press release and we start Henrick and Elijah are going to take charge of it but we need someone for you their."e

"Jeremy knows everything you can call him." Elena smiled this was most definetly something that her brother could do for her.

Freya pulled the papers out."Sign here here and here and were done." They did as told and signed."Now for the next step."
Caroline was behind the curtian with Elena and Kol."I don't want to do this i quit i can't do this this nationwide."

"Caroline Forbes i know you aren't scared come on you have to go out their with Bonnie."

"I'm behind the screen no one sees me i'm not Bonnie."

Bonnie walked over."Caroline. Lets go Elena can't go out their she won't get a word out the first hundred question are going to deal with her pregnancy. Please."

"Ok your right i have to do this. It has to be done their is nothing that can change it."

"If your nice i'll let you touch my bump the babies kicking. Deep  breaths."

Caroline took a few breaths in and out calming her self down."Fine. Can i touch it." Elena took her best friends hand and put it on her bump and Caroline felt the baby kick."Aww i thinks its a girl. This is so sweet."

"Softy." Kol scolded.

"Go out their and give the press confrence cause we kind of have to go after this." Elena said.

"Ok i'm ready."

"Caroline and Bonnie walked through the curtians. Elena looked to Kol."Your the softy you whisper to my bump. I hear you."

"Don't tell anyone that."

"Your a softy get used to it."

"I am not a softy."

"Lies. You are and you know it. You can't say no to me. Just give it up your a softy to me at least."
Caroline and Bonnie went to the podium."Hello everyone i am Bonnie Bennett this is Caroline Forbes we work for Gilbert Publishing Company." Bonnie knew that she had to start because of how nervous Caroline was right now.

"Or now Gilbert-Mikaelson publishing company. A lot of you are probably wondering what's going on well were broadcasting all across the world right now."

"Formerly Elena Gilbert now Elena Mikaelson has merged her Company with Kol MIkaelson her husband. That means that reporters and workers for her company will be given exclusives for his company or their Companies now."

"Mikaelson and Gilbert are already a world wide names. They have offically joined together and that means a huge change will be coming."

"And although the two aren't the ones making this announcement because they want their private lives to remain private and as people have tried to see what they are up to we ask that you abide by that. Elena is not a public person she likes her life to remain private were here to build her company and to spend time with the new members of the family. "

"Now that  it just went international and this is the first one there are many more things to be done. Thank you."

They both went to the back."How'd we do?"

"Great. Now we have an appointment to get to i want to know the gender."

"Thats why your so distractive today."
Elena and Kol were sitting in the waiting room.  A doctor came out with a chart."Elena Mikaelson."

"That will never get old." They both stood up and followed the doctor.

"I agree. It'll never get old."

They walked into a room and she was told to get on the table for the ultrasound. He helped her to get on."Are you two here for the gender,"

They walking out of the building when Elena stopped. There was something she need to get something off her chest and she needed to do it when it was only them. She waited till he turned around then she blurted."I love you i can't go back to being the workaholic contract or no contract 6 months ago i was a workaholic who never did anything else. Who never thought about having a family never wanted one in the 5 months i've been with you all that changed and i can't go back. I won't."

He smirked he found it funny she was so flustered"I love you too. Your so emotional."

"Hey!! I'm prengnant and i already mentally unstable. And saying that to you for the first time is important in any relationship and were married."
When they got into the penthouse everyone who was their stood up and looked at them."SO??" They all wanted to know what the gender was going to be.

"It's  a girl were going to have a daughter."


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