The Old Night Kingdom

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The NightWing dragonet fidgeted with her claws as she watched the moons rise, higher and higher. He's really back. I saw him in the Great Diamond. It's really him. It's really him. It's really him. Him and a weird SandWing, but him no less.

She didn't know weather to run away or to go confront him. She'd always wanted to meet an animus--well, an animus besides Uncle Stonemover. He only knew the bad ends of animus magic.

She wanted to talk to one and know one.

Well--one... besides her.

Ever since she had heard that Darkstalker came back, she had taken refuge in the old Night Kingdom's library. There were no scrolls on Darkstalker there, but there were a few on animus magic. She spent hours reading them, noting everything that passed through her brain.

Now, standing on the peak of the old palace, she could see a wide stretch of land in front of her. I should go spy on him... but he can read my mind... what to do what to do WHAT TO DO I could gain knowledge about life or I could be crushed like a bug what to do what to do...

No! Stop letting your thought romp around like wild antelopes. THINK. So. On the one talon, magically magic animus! Great-great-great-great-many-greats uncle! On the other talon, he could kill me. And brainwash me. And kill me some more. So I need another animus to help me...

Her head snapped up. That was it! Another animus! And she knew just who find.

She turned her head north, to the direction of Jerboa's hut.

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