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Darkstalker wrapped his wings around himself and wept. Why did this have to happen? First Qibli got knocked out and he felt confused. Then Clearsight ran away and he felt betrayed and angry. Then Whiteout ran away, too, and he felt beyond sad. When she didn't come back, he was just... done. There was nothing good left in life. Except for Mother. Oh, if only he could have her back--but if Whiteout and Clearsight didn't trust him, then why should Foeslayer? I could enchant myself to be happy, I suppose... or I could--

His mind shut down the possibility. He'd never, ever thought about killing himself. Darkstalker! The most powerful dragon on Pyrrhia! The soon-to-be-king! The big-shot animus boss of the WORLD! *insert evil cackling* But now... he had nothing. Literally nothing. No friends, enchanted or real. No relatives, except for Whiteout. And she was gone too. He wiped his eyes and stood up. I just wish I could live like I used to. With Clearsight, happy and in love. Not fake love. I want my life back. I want my world back! If only I'd taken over Pyrrhia before I got put to sleep! Oh, my friends who are no more... Fathom. I actually miss him. Maybe even Indigo, too. Haha... what a good bodyguard she was. I wonder if Fathom got her out of the statue. Probably. He was clever, admittedly.

Darkstalker sighed. If only he could live his life normally, without magic or mindreading or--

Wait. Was he actually thinking thinking these things? OF COURSE he wanted magic and NightWing powers! If he wasn't feeling up to his job then he needed to abduct more innocent dragons and put spells on them. That would make him feel better...

It always did.  

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