A Decision

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Starwatcher's mind raced. How could she get out of this? She was trapped, in another dimension, and the only way out is to murder another dragon.

Stall. That was the best solution; try to buy time. She darted away as Darkstalker lunged again. Starwatcher wouldn't turn invisible. That would break Goldenstorm's rule, and who knows what would happen if she displeased the MoonWing?

Then again, she had magic. And she could do almost anything with it! 

A surge of power rushed through her. She had control over everything around her! Starwatcher telepathically picked up a stone and threw it with great force at Darkstalker.

It struck him in the forehead. It didn't do much but distract him, and that was enough. He roared and shook it off. 

As Starwatcher prepared for another spell, she felt a twinge of... regret? She paused to investigate, but Darkstalker had sent a swarm of tiny, sharp rocks in her direction. She grabbed a stick from the ground and twirled it between her talons.

A blue-green semicircle of light surrounded Starwatcher, blocking out the sharp rocks. Again, she felt that rush of power and control. And again, she felt that pang of confusion and regret.

Wasn't she always cautious about this kind of thing? 

What was happening to her?

Darkstalker roared as the stones bounced off of her force field. He pushed his talons forward, and the rocks followed his movements. 

Starwatcher hurriedly completed her spell, so that she was surrounded by a bubble of turquoise protection. The pebbles were, again, blocked out. "Stop!" she shouted, suddenly struck by an idea. "Goldenstorm, can we stop for a second?"

"No time-outs on the battlefield," she called in a bored voice back.

"But I have an idea, a plan, a possible future where no one is hurt--please, can we stop?" The idea was so obvious, she couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it before!

"No time-outs," repeated Goldenstorm, but a flicker of interest shone in her gold-green eyes. She narrowed them. "Hmm... alright, let's see what you have." 

Goldenstorm lazily flicked her tail. A protective bubble drew around Darkstalker, too. "This makes sure you won't try to fight during the time-out," she explained. "Fire away, dragonet."

"Okay, so, are you able to leave?" burst out Starwatcher. "Like, leave this.. place? This dimension?"

She narrowed her eyes again. "I...have never tried," she said slowly.

"But you can alter what this dimension is like right?"

"Yes, as much as I want," said Goldenstorm with a touch of smugness. "I can change this scene entirely, create new dragons out of nothingness, give them personalities..."

"Wow, impressive," said Darkstalker admiringly, glancing around. "So you can just... build a world around yourself? Make dragons appear, make them do what you want?"

This plan was working out just the way Starwatcher had hoped.

"Yes," replied Goldenstorm. She sounded a little bit weary, as though she was...bored... about having this much control.

"So what if," continued Starwatcher, "Darkstalker was... killed, and he became a MoonWing. Then, I could go home--" Darkstalker snorted dubiously.

"--and, hear me out, Goldenstorm could come with me. Then, I don't know how this works... but Darkstalker could live the life he always wanted to live. He could simulate Clearsight and Whiteout and Fathom, he could re-create the world around him." 

Goldenstorm tipped her head. Her ears were perked up and her eyes were wide and alert. "An exchange," she said slowly. "Darkstalker becomes a MoonWing. He can live happily. And I... return to Pyrrhia?"

"Yes!" said Starwatcher, twitching with excitement. This was working out perfectly! "That way, I think we're all pleased with the situation, right?"

"What do you think, Darkstalker?" offered Goldenstorm. "The Transition has only happened once, where a MoonWing switched places with a Pyrrhian dragon. And it can only happen again if all three of us agree on it. So? Your thoughts?" 

Darkstalker clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes, staring into the distance.

Starwatcher and Goldenstorm waited, holding their breath...

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