Something Really Exciting Happens

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Starwatcher woke to a small jittering in her head. She had only felt that once before--right before her parents were killed by a huge tsunami. It meant she was in danger. She had been able to rescue herself, but she was to late for Illusion and Visionwriter.

She shook that thought off. Why am I in danger? I better go check outside. Starwatcher got up, whispered "Hide me." and snapped her claws three times. 


She stepped outside, invisible, with sharp blades like extra-long claws. I will only use them if I need them. I don't want to be a killer.

And. Starwatcher saw a shape. Barely, but it was there. Another NightWing. Could it be Darkstalker? No. He's more muscular, not slender and wiry like this. Hmm.

She crept closer. The shape landed, sides heaving. The dragon seemed to be holding a talonful of embers. No... not embers. They were...

Earrings??? Oh. That SandWing's earrings. What's his name? Kibble? Quick be? Whatever. Weird name. But why does that NightWing have so many of them?... I gotta go talk to him. Or her. Or them. Or whatever.

Starwatcher muttered, "show me". Her knives remained out... just in case.

The dragon shrieked something like "THE WATCHER OF STARS!!!!" and bolted towards Starwatcher. She turned and ran back to Jerboa's hut. 

What the flip does this dragon want??? Does she want to kill me? Starwatcher had gathered that the odd NightWing was female from her tone and pitch of voice. I better go wake up Jerboa.

"JERBOA!" she shouted, slamming the door behind her. "I know you told me not to wake you up unless something really exciting happened but guess what it DID there's a NightWing who started to chase me and she's right outside!" Starwatcher paused for a breath. "And. Sorry I woke you up, still. Even if something really exciting happened."

"Holy smokin' vipers with wings. I think I've heard beluga whales talk more sense than you." Jerboa remarked dryly. "Let's see what this dragon wants."

"NO! NO! BAD IDEA!" Starwatcher spread her glittering wings in front of the door as Jerboa started toward it. "The dragon could be... uh... she could be..."

"She, eh? Doesn't sound like Darkstalker. Unless he bothered to disguise himself as a female dragon. What tribe was she?"


"Hmm... Let's have a look." Jerboa arched her tail and opened the door. 

A NightWing stumbled in. She was slim, with no extra silver scales. "Watcher of Stars. I have come to seek help." The strange NightWing stepped towards Starwatcher, who carefully kept talons away from the older dragon(Who was trying to grab her talons).

"Um. That is an odd way of putting my name. My name is Starwatcher. Who the heck are you? And why are you here? Have you been working with Darkstalker?" She said skeptically. 

"My name is Clearsight. Yes, the  Clearsight. I am completely against Darkstalker. He is going to abduct the Watcher of Moons."

Starwatcher's head spun. "Clearsight. The Clearsight." No way. What is happening? How? Why? When did she get undead? What is happening? How? No way. What is happening? Why? How? How how how how how and also by the way HOW??? Her jaw slowly dropped. "How?" she asked stupidly. 

"Um. So, first I woke up. Then I got a prophecy, that said you would save me. You need to put this on. It will protect you from Darkstalker's spells." 'Clearsight' handed each of them a small gold earring with an amber teardrop on it. 

"Uh-huh. Who enchanted it? Your evil boyfriend?" asked Jerboa shrewdly.

"No. A SeaWing named Tortoise. No, Turtle. Don't ask me how I know that; a vision told me. I promise you it's safe. Please put on on." Clearsight practically begged.

Closely watching her for a reaction, Starwatcher pretended to snap in onto her other ear, making a clicking sound with her claws. She palmed it, turning her empty ear away from the NightWing. Clearsight's face was full of relief instead of triumph, so Starwatcher actually clipped it on. "I feel the same..." she muttered. Jerboa nodded in agreement. 

"Well, thanks," Clearsight murmured. "It's the least you can do. I need your help, Watcher of St-- uh, Starwatcher. The Watcher of Moons is abducted for unwanted love. Darkstalker will enchant her to love Kibble. Or is it Chibble?... ah, the SandWing with the weird name. He would have done the same to me, but I got and earring and ran away. Now he can't cast spells on me. We need to find a way to stop him. You're both animi, right? Or is it animuses... or animususus... Ya know, never mind." 

"Er, yes, we are both animi..." Starwatcher said carefully. She didn't want Clearsight to use her for power. "But, er, our... our souls are... uh, that is, we're not evil, but we want to, ah... not... use...? our powers because--" *cough* "--well, evil stuff and, er, what if Darkstalker, er, uh, senses us with his... uh... super powers or someth--" 

Starwatcher was cut off abruptly by a look from Jerboa. "Yes, we'd be willing to help," she said briskly. "A few little spells."

Clearsight sighed in relief. "Three moons, thank you! Now, the future has hope."

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