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Starwatcher groaned and sat down, rubbing her head. "Ugh."

It had been four hours since Glory and Deathbringer had left. The longest hours of Starwatcher's life! She was a dragon, not a play structure! The baby dragonets had tugged on her horns, chewed on her scroll pouch, and one of them even tried to spit venom at her.

Jerboa thumped her head on the wall repeatedly. With each thump, a word came out. "This--" thump. "is--" thump "the--" thump "worst--" thump "day--" thump "of--" thump "my--" thump "whole--" thump "FRICKING--" thump "LIFE!

"Oh, don't be like that," said Clearsight. "These dragonets are so cute!" She had spent the whole time cooing at Panther.

"Yes, cute little monsters of terror!" complained Starwatcher. "I have fifteen bite marks and three scratches." She bared her teeth at a young RainWing who yelped and scampered away.

"Ah, here come the queen and king," said Jerboa, pointing. Two figures were flying towards them. 

"FINALLY!" Starwatcher jumped to her talons and shook a small dragonet off her back. "They've been gone for ONE HUNDRED MILLION YEARS!"

"Translation: a few hours," muttered Clearsight.

Glory landed first and gave the trio an apologetic glance. "Starwatcher, it appears you have several scratch and bite marks."

"Shadow," said Deathbringer, picking up his son, "did you give her those marks?" Shadowhunter nodded proudly and grinned smugly. His father sighed. "Son, that's not a good thing. Perhaps you would like some privileges taken away? If you bite, then no more... uh... Just don't bite, OK?"

Shadowhunter looked relieved that he had gotten off without any punishments. He nodded and scampered away to wrestle with Panther, his RainWing scales pinkish-red with embarrassment. 

The queen's scales were jade-green with hints of gold. She turned her regal snout to the temporary dragonet-sitters. "Thank you for watching the dragonets. You have permission to roam my forest for... uh... up to one week. Is that enough?" They nodded. "Good. Do not harm any of my dragons. You may go." She waved her tail dismissively and Starwatcher immediately bolted into the sky, closely followed by Jerboa.

"What a nightmare," shuddered Jerboa. "I'm glad I got that over with!"

"Aw, it wasn't that bad," said Clearsight. "Besides, now we get to find the scroll so we can defeat Darkstalker. So let's go!" The three dragons shot into the bright blue sky to save the future of Pyrrhia.

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