Whiteout's Terror

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Whiteout flew through her tears, sobbing with misery. 

Brother is back. Brother is evil. I am back, too. Why? The hole has opened again, we are all falling, falling, time is turning, why?

She didn't know what she was doing. She had flown and flown until she reached the border of the rainforest, then kept flying. She had entered the thick trees and blundered around until a huge snake bit the edge of her wing so hard that Whiteout crash-landed onto a log. 

The Hybrid shrieked in pain and dragged herself to sit on a nearby log. Log is friendly. Log is the only one I know who is not evil, evil, evil. Log is open like the sky and silver like stars. Whiteout wondered if she could eat the odd silvery mushrooms growing on the side of it. She rolled the log over to examine the fungi more clearly when...


Whiteout bent her long neck and sniffed at the delicate scrap of scroll.  

And stared at it.

Then, she screamed. A long, wailing, high-pitched sound. 

It was part of Darkstalker's larger scroll! All through her dragonet-hood, Whiteout had feared that scroll. It holds storms of power, seas of greed and mountains of control. It is the Three Full Moons and the Dawn of Doom. It is everything that is awful.

Chaos grabbed her mind and swirled all her thoughts together. And she grabbed the piece of paper and threw herself into the sky, flying as fast as her injured wing would allow her to. She would fly until she found the perfect place in Pyrrhia, then she would put it in the place it was meant to be.

With any luck, no one would ever see it again.

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