driftwood pt2

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Sirius was right about Hogsmeade being a date scene

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Sirius was right about Hogsmeade being a date scene. Immediately after arriving, Alice set off with Frank and Marlene with Dorcas, leaving the six of us behind. Sirius agreed to stay with the group for part of the time (I had promised Peter a trip to Honeyduke's) as long as we got some alone time towards the end.

Honeyduke's was a small sweet shop with rows upon rows of colorful candies. Entering the store brought me a rush of youthful joy. Peter grabbed my hand and dragged me all around the store, filling his arms with Chocoballs, Pepper Imps, Sugar Quills, Fizzing Whizzbees, Jelly Slugs, and Exploding Bonbons.

"Try this," he would say, and my mouth would fill with a new sensation of magical sweetness.

"Aren't you going to buy any?" I shook my head but smiled at his excitement.

"I don't have any wizard money. No worries, I'll just steal some of yours later, you seem to have plenty," he eyed me suspiciously, but said nothing, shoving a lollipop in his mouth and walking towards the register.

"Nonsense," a cool voice said behind me, placing a firm hand on the small of my back. I spun around to find Sirius smiling down at me. "I'll buy them for you," I shook my head and began to protest but was silenced as he grabbed my hand. "C'mon, which is your favorite?"

"I'll never tell," I teased, hoping he would drop the subject.

"No? Well then I'll guess," he walked along the shelves tapping his chin as if he were in deep thought.

"Fudge Flies?"


"Every Flavor Beans?"


"Pixie Puffs?"

"Uh uh."

"Tooth-Splintering Strongmints?"

"Definitely not."

"You're really not going to tell me?" I shook my head.

"Well then, I'll buy a bit of everything," he stated firmly. My mouth dropped.

"No! Sirius you can't," he laughed.

"It's not my money, darling. Mum will throw a fit, it's perfect!" He called over his shoulder as he began grabbing random candies from the shelves.

"No no, fine, I'll tell you!" I grabbed his arm to stop him and took some of the small packages from him to return them to their homes. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "The chocolate that Peter and I tried first, it was really good. Just get me a little bit of that," I admitted. He smiled winningly and walked over to the section labeled "Honeyduke's Best Chocolate". He grabbed a few pieces and we checked out and left the store.

"Can we go to Zonko's next?" Peter queried. Lily, Remus and James nodded and began walking towards the shop coated in fading red paint. I started to follow them but felt a tug on my arm and turned to find Sirius rooted in his spot.

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