just a girl

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Thoughts of forever and everything else beyond the walls of the castle seemed halted as the end of June raced around the corner

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Thoughts of forever and everything else beyond the walls of the castle seemed halted as the end of June raced around the corner. We had no time for wars or inter-house insults or quidditch or anything besides class and schoolwork. The only thing on any seventh year's mind was our N.E.W.T.s.

Well, everyone except for Sirius.

Considering he was sure he had retained any information he would need to know (and, surely of less importance, that he had a large surplus of money to fall back on should he fail), Sirius Black was less concerned with reviewing and more concerned with planning a massive end-of-year party.

Perhaps more difficult than setting up "a rager that's sure to kill Pete", was trying to convince a bunch of overloaded students to drop their studies for a party.

And, perhaps the most difficult student to convince was Remus Lupin.

"Come on, Moony," Sirius whined one afternoon in the library. "How will it look if even my best mates aren't going?"

I was sitting between Lily and Remus along one of the deep wooden desks. Various books and pieces of parchment were strewn about, all with random sticky notes and highlighters thrown on top.

We had thus far been hiding fairly well from the alcohol-obsessed boy, our plan to stay in the one place Sirius would never look coming along quite nicely. However, he had obviously found us and was now relentlessly pestering Remus once more.

"I don't care, Pads," Remus whispered to the boy beside him. "And would you keep your voice down? We're lucky enough to have gotten these tables during exams, I'd really fancy we didn't lose them because of your incessant talking."

"Shh!" Seethed a bony, vulturistic witch from her place behind one large and dusty bookshelf. "Quiet, Lupin!"

Remus blinked at the empty space where Madam Pince had since disappeared from before he threw a purposeful glare at Sirius. Lily and I did our collective best to contain small laughs as we inconspicuously flipped over our Ancient Runes notes.

"Moony, it's one night," persisted Sirius. "Besides, I've already convinced James who is..." he shot a displeased look in the redhead's direction, "working on convincing Evans. And Wormy said he would go if everyone else goes."

Remus shook his head but otherwise ignored the eager boy beside him, instead shuffling his flashcards and starting his Care of Magical Creatures studies from the top.

Sirius groaned dramatically and threw his head onto the table in defeat. He regained motivation quickly, though, and stood up from his chair at the end of the wooden table. He walked around to crouch between the seats Remus and I were sitting in and made waving motions with his hands to shoo Remus out of his way.

"You'll come, right Syddie?"

I looked between my two studying partners for help, but they were apparently entirely enraptured in their studies and could not spare a glance.

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