waterproof evening

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The world was spinning

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The world was spinning. Was I spinning? Was I even standing up? What the actual fuck was going on.

"I'm sorry, no." What the hell is that?

"Um, okay," I uttered awkwardly. I squeezed my fists shut and forced a smile before brushing past him.

"Syd, wait," oh my God.

I kept walking, grabbing Lily and Marlene's arms on my way. One of them waved down Alice, who whispered something to Frank before taking off after us. I refused to look up, my gaze following my feet until we were right outside of the castle.

"Syd, what the hell?" Marlene cried, gasping for air. "You can't just grab my arm in the middle of the match and drag me off with no explanation!"

"I asked Remus and he said no," I muttered.

"Well that's great that you asked Remus but frankly I think you could've waited until later to tell us that- Wait, he said what?"

"He said no," I repeated, slightly louder.

"Then what are we doing here? Let's go back so I can kick his scrawny little-"

"Marlene," Lily chastised. Marlene stopped but continued grumbling obscenities under her breath.

"Why would he say no?" Alice asked.

"Well shit if I knew that I probably wouldn't have asked, now would I?" I snapped, Alice winced. "Sorry."

"No, wait. Alice is right," said Lily. "If he has feelings for you, which he admitted, and they're low on chocolate, like Pete said, then why would he say no to Hogsmeade? We all go together anyways."

"Unless they aren't going to Hogsmeade," Marlene suggested.

"Unless they aren't going to Hogsmeade," Lily repeated with a smile.

A look of realization washed over Marlene's face and she straightened up with a smile.

"What just happened?" I whispered to Alice.

"They smell a Marauders prank," she grinned.

Despite knowing that Remus had only rejected me because he'd be pranking, I opted not to return to the game. I was still highly mortified from the entire day. Being put on display in potions and admitting feelings I didn't even know I had, then learning that my friends knew all along and had been betting, then asking Remus to Hogsmeade and getting declined. It was just so awful.

I dropped down on my bed and covered my face with my hands for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

This is what gender stereotypes are for. I thought.

Fuck feminism. The men can do all the asking out from now until forever, thanks.

Maybe I can jump off of the Astronomy tower before the end of the match.

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