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Remus and I enjoyed about a month of unsteady calm after the night of Frank and Alice's fight with the Death Eaters and our fight with each other

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Remus and I enjoyed about a month of unsteady calm after the night of Frank and Alice's fight with the Death Eaters and our fight with each other.

We learned from the frustratingly humble couple that their arguably more important battle had been a mere "right place, right time" situation. Even if any of us had believed that this was the case, Alice and Frank's reputation amongst the other Aurors within the Order had skyrocketed, and so we knew that whatever skills they demonstrated that night must have been extraordinary.

These skills, however, meant a similar rise in faith for the rest of the younger members, including my friends and I. And so, as soon as a reasonable mission was available, James and Sirius pounced on the opportunity, and were quickly granted the chance.

Remus and I were less than thrilled.

"It is believed that a few of Voldemort's followers are on their way to Muggle London," Dumbledore had said. "You are to go in, look around, and bring in any Death Eaters you may find."

"There will be plenty of Muggles present, obviously," grunted Alastor Moody, a gruff and somewhat odd wizard with a fake eye that jumped from face to face. "So do your best not to be seen doing magic, if you can help it."

"And if you can't," intercepted Fabian Prewett, a red haired and goofy wizard who was not much older than us and was extremely pleased to hear that I was the reigning queen of the Prewett's Day of Pranks.

"Just tell 'em it was all a party trick!" Said Gideon, finishing his twin's sentence and doing a cheerful amount of jazz-hands as Fabian produced small fireworks around the two.

"Or use Obliviate," noted Dumbledore calmly, eyeing the two boys with an amused smile.

"Either way, just be careful," said Professor McGonagall with a very pinched sort of face. "If things get too spotty, feel free to return here."

"We'll be fine, Minnie," James said boastfully, earning him an eye-roll from Lily at the use of the professor's first name.

"Yeah," chimed Sirius. "We'll rake in so many Death Eaters that they'll have to make a new Azkaban!"

"Especially with these two celebrities," said Marlene as she motioned to Alice and Frank, who each smiled at the other's reddening face.

"I'll keep them in check," Lily promised with a sigh.

We said our goodbyes and left the Prewett's flat, where the meeting was being held, stepping into the street to prepare to Apparate.

"We have to land a bit further and then walk in," said Dorcas, tucking her wand into her pocket. "And please try not to draw too much attention to us," - she shot a pointed look at her girlfriend as well as James and Sirius who slammed their hands over their hearts. - "Otherwise you'll blow the whole thing and we'll never be let out again."

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