begin again

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The following morning went about how you'd expect considering Remus and I had fallen asleep together in a room filled with our friends

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The following morning went about how you'd expect considering Remus and I had fallen asleep together in a room filled with our friends.

Of course, I kept my eyes closed for a minute, listening to their conversation.

"At least he's asleep," Lily's voice noted. "I haven't even seen him close his eyes all week."

"True," said Peter. "Plus, there were no other beds and those chairs are awfully uncomfortable."

"It is a bit weird, though," James input with a hint of humor.

"Yeah," Sirius agreed with a laugh. "I didn't know Moony was into necrophilia."

"Well I'm not dead," I scoffed, opening my eyes with an expression of mock offense.

The looks on their faces were absolutely priceless.




"What the actual-"

"Don't do that!"

"Geez," I judged. "Based on the elegance of this conversation, no one would believe that I was the one who was almost murdered."

"That's not funny," they said breathlessly, as they often did when I made a joke during a serious situation. But the smiles across their faces were undoubtedly bright and fiery.

"Should we wake Remus up?" Alice asked. I turned to look down at the boy who was half laying on me and smiled.

"Sure, wanna sing the song?"

Sirius's face went white.

"What song?" James queried, clearing his throat slightly and taking a small side step away from Lily.

"Oh you know.. Ugh, how does it go?" I pretended to think hard, prolonging their terror. "Something along the lines of: Moony, my darling, it's morning?"

"Love," Peter mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked, tapping the back of my ear.

"The first line is Moony, my love, not darling," he clarified, staring intensely at the floor.

"Well, I must hear this masterpiece," Marlene demanded. "Go on then."

They shared a look of embarrassment and reluctance, but us girls were glowing and there was no escape.

"Oh, Moony, my love, it's the morning," James began weakly. Lily covered her mouth.

"Come on, Jimbo, I've seen you do better than that," I giggled.

"Squid, if you weren't literally on your deathbed I would Avada Kedavra you myself," he glared. I put the arm that wasn't slipped under Remus's neck up in defense.

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