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The five of us used Remus and my chimney to Floo into Hogwarts, or, more specifically, Dumbledore's office

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The five of us used Remus and my chimney to Floo into Hogwarts, or, more specifically, Dumbledore's office.

When we arrived, Harry was crying loudly, evidently hating the dusty travel system.

I couldn't blame him. Although I had travelled by Floo powder thousands of times in the last three years, I still felt a bit dizzy and like I was suffocating as I stepped from the fire.

Or, maybe I was just nervous.

The door to the Professor's office slid open just as Lily calmed Harry down and the wizard of the hour stepped inside.

"Good afternoon," Dumbledore said with a smile, his crystal blue eyes peering over his half-moon glasses to gaze at each of us. "I see our arrangements worked out?"

He looked proudly at James and Lily who smiled politely and nodded.

"Why did you send them?" Remus asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

Dumbledore's eyes flitted over to Remus and his lips spread into a smile.

"Of course not, Remus," he said, crossing the room and taking a seat at his desk. "I did not want my patronus to be seen crossing through countries for such a small matter as a personal meeting, and I had seen James and Lily in the preparatory stages of a previous mission, so I asked them to spread the word for me."

Remus nodded in understanding, but his gaze flickered harshly over to James and Lily in such a quick motion that anyone else would have missed it.

"Now," Dumbledore said, folding his hands together and regathering my attention. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to speak with Miss Carter alone."

"It's Lupin now," I corrected. Dumbledore beamed.

"My mistake!" He said lightly. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Remus said shortly, giving up a forced smile.

"I'm okay," I whispered, forcing a smile of my own. Remus nodded doubtfully before following James and Lily out of the office.

I took a shoddy breath as the door closed behind him, the walls of the room suddenly feeling much much closer than they had when I arrived.

"Please," Dumbledore said, motioning to the seat across from his desk. I looked at the chair for a moment before deciding to sit.

"So, when were you married?" He asked. My foot shook restlessly on the floor.

"I don't mean to be rude," I said, ignoring his question. "But why have you called me here?"

Dumbledore smiled slightly again. I was beginning to grow tired of the way his lips curled up so falsely. It felt like he was mocking me.

Or, maybe I was just nervous.

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