eleanor rigby

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Surprising enough, it was Remus who asked to move out of his parents' house earlier than expected

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Surprising enough, it was Remus who asked to move out of his parents' house earlier than expected.

I suppose it wasn't surprising, actually. His home had become quite eerie since Hope's passing; mornings were quiet,  we had takeout nearly every night for dinner, and much of our days were spent clearing out the piles of dishes and clothes and memories. Lyall was doing his best to keep spirits up, but I could hardly blame him for feeling a bit off. Hope was the light of the house, and now the small cottage was dark.

I finally got to see the forest where Hope and Lyall met. There was a small pond by the spot where Hope saw her boggart. It was a dark blue color with patches of lily pads that occupied small pink flowers and tiny green frogs. It was there that we spread her ashes, one sunny morning.

A few days later, Remus decided there was no reason for us to stay any longer. And I could tell that it shattered Lyall's heart. But it was my job to worry about Remus, and Remus was starting to turn grey. We had to go.

"You're sure you're all set?" Lyall asked gruffly as we stood by the front door. He locked eyes briefly with me and I could see the fear of loneliness that resided in them. I could see him struggling to ask us to stay. But we had to go.

"All set," I said with a small smile, turning to look up at Remus who was biting the inside of his cheek.

"We'll come visit when things are settled, yeah? I'll make you a real dinner for a change."

"'Course," nodded Lyall, pulling Remus in for a hard hug. "I love you."

"Love you too, Dad."

"Good seeing you again, Sydney," Lyall said to me, and I hugged him too.

"You too. Thanks for letting us stay."

"Always welcome."

We stood still for a moment, perhaps allowing Remus a minute to truly leave his home; perhaps allowing Lyall a minute to soak up the last of our company; perhaps waiting for a second goodbye that would never come.

"Well, we should be off," decided Remus. I nodded and gave one more smile to Lyall before taking Remus's hand and snapping away to the flat we would be sharing with James, Sirius, Peter, and Lily.

Remus and I dropped down in front of the tall building that looked as though the walls might peel off and his hand tightened on mine as he inhaled slowly.

"You okay?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Yeah," he breathed. "Ready to go in?"


8B was our flat number, first door on the right when you step off the elevator.

I knew it was the first door on the right because said door was already swinging open when Remus and I emerged from the lift.

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