the calm

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The next morning was chaotic to say the least

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The next morning was chaotic to say the least. Lily shook me awake around 6 and I rubbed my eyes to find Marlene and Alice already up and pulling on sweats.

"C'mon! Students are bound to be getting up soon. We're supposed to meet the boys for breakfast!" She said eagerly. I smiled, swung my feet over the edge of my bed, and grabbed my toothbrush.

We rushed downstairs and found the boys seated alone in the Great Hall. We poured ourselves some cereal so as to seem as inconspicuous as possible, but for the most part no one was eating as we excitedly awaited the first victims of our prank.

It ended up being a Ravenclaw girl, who landed atop the Hufflepuff table with a horrified gasp, clutching her textbook. I slapped a hand over my mouth to conceal my laughter and looked over to find the boys looking into their bowls of Cheeri-Owls as if they had lost something in the milk.

Students popped in and out of the Great Hall all throughout the meal and it never lost its humorous appeal. Perhaps the funniest of all was a Slytherin boy called Barty who's portkey had been his towel. He cursed quite loudly and fumbled to cover himself up before sprinting out of the dining hall, leaving a trail of water droplets behind him. We lost it.

"He made some bullshit comment to Reg last month," Sirius said, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes. "Had it coming."

And it didn't stop there. As we entered the greenhouse for first period Herbology, Remus and I informed the others of which pots we had charmed so we would be able to avoid it. But the rest of the Hogwarts population was not safe.

A Hufflepuff by the name of Jamie flashed out immediately after we split off for group work, only to return 15 minutes later, completely out of breath, saying she was taken across campus to the kitchens. We shared knowing looks of amusement but kept our cool.

"Who is doing all of this?" Lily asked with concern. James and Sirius started coughing loudly to hide their laughs.

A Gryffindor first year crashed down atop Severus's plant box, still in his pajamas and grasping his glasses - pure terror written across his face. Snape was less than happy, James bounced on his toes with an unmistakable smile.

"Dear me," Professor Sprout fretted. "Are you alright?" She extended her hand to help him down and I saw her reach for a nearby table to steady herself.

"Oh Professor, I wouldn't-" but it was too late. In a whoosh Sprout was gone, we all blinked at each other for a moment before the entire class erupted into laughter.

"If she's not back in 10 can we leave?" Lily asked without a shadow of a joke.

"I like the way you think, Evans," James said admiringly.

"She's got a point," Marlene observed.

"Why wait," Sirius closed his textbook and stood to leave. There was a general shrug amongst the class and soon enough we were all free for the final half hour of class.

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