today was a fairytale

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The words tore me from a very peaceful sleep, which I was rather enjoying.

Severe morning light invaded the curtains in James's spare room and attacked the spot on the bed where my head lay. I rolled over and stuffed one of the plush pillows over my face.

"Jimmy," I groaned. "I love you. But these wake up calls are getting old."

"Well someone has to be excited, considering you aren't."

I pulled the pillow down to my chest and smiled. James was sitting criss-cross at the foot of my bed with a large grin and a small box.

"Well, thank you for accepting the position," I said, a bit happier now. "But you didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh, shut up and take the gift," he ordered as I sat upright. He thrust the box into my hands before adding: "So ungrateful."

I laughed and pulled off the lid. Inside was a little wooden dreamcatcher. White string wove about the circular edge like a beautifully crafted spider web. Attached to the bottom was more rope; these pieces connected to small magical squid that swam slightly through the air.

"This way I can catch you and your nightmares," he explained.

"Aww, Jimbo, that's so cute," I felt my smile grow as I pulled him in for a seated hug. "Thank you."

"Yes, yes. Very touching. Now open mine," ordered a smooth voice from my right.

I jumped at the sound and snapped my head to the side to find that instead of a sleeping Remus, Sirius Black was sharing my bed covers and holding out a small gift bag.

"Where did you-"

"Shh," he said, putting his hand over my mouth. "Open it!"

I shook my head but did as told, tearing away the crinkly tissue paper to find a small tape titled "Best of Syd & Sirius".

"It has everything!" He declared. "Queen, The Rolling Stones, Bowie, Led Zeppelin!"

"Aerosmith?" I asked excitedly.

"Well I'm not a bloody moron, of course Aerosmith!"

"Sirius Black has a heart," I sighed, placing my hand over my chest. Sirius laughed and shoved me on the shoulders.

"Only kidding," I said, hugging him as well. "Thanks, Padfoot."

"My turn!"

"Oh my fucking-"

Sat behind me was a grinning Peter, a white, cube-shaped box in his hand with a blue bow on top. I quickly spun around, scanning the room for any other intruders.

"How did you all sneak in here?!"

"You're blind, Squid."

I narrowed my eyes at James and accepted Peter's present, placing the tape and dreamcatcher carefully in my lap.

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