how to save a life

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"You'll need to pick a Secret Keeper sooner, rather than later," Peter mouthed as Dumbledore uttered the words

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"You'll need to pick a Secret Keeper sooner, rather than later," Peter mouthed as Dumbledore uttered the words.

"Yeah, no shit," I whispered. We both did our best to muffle our laughter.

Dumbledore's clear blue eyes flickered down the long wooden table briefly and Pete and I straightened up in our chairs, clearing our throats and acting as though we were deeply concerned with the topic at hand.

"We're going to choose tonight," said James, his gaze also set to my end of the table. Dumbledore turned back to James and Lily and the talking shifted back to their side.

"It's like he thinks they don't understand Voldemort's power," Peter whispered.

"Yeah," I nodded back. "As if he didn't just slaughter our best friend and her entire family less than a week ago."

Peter shook his head sadly.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I'm not very good with traumatic events."

Peter breathed a laugh.

"No kidding," he said.

Dumbledore continued on with some long and very important speech about the measures being taken for the Potter's protection.

"I'm so sick of these meetings," I whispered to Peter. He nodded.

"You're the only reason I even come," he said, and my heart sank. "Dumbledore treats us all like children."

"Yeah," I said. "Until he needs us to risk our lives."

"Yeah, then we're extremely capable adults," Peter agreed.

Remus hit his knee against mine and gave me a look as if to tell me to pay attention. I rolled my eyes but slid away from Peter and sat back in my chair.

I couldn't bring myself to listen to Dumbledore, though.

I had done much consideration since Marlene's passing, and I wasn't much of a fan of what I had come to realize.

One night, I laid awake and created a timeline of the things that went badly regarding my time at Hogwarts as well as with the Order.

To start, I was attacked and nearly killed by the 'friendly' merpeople in the Black Lake, and the student who set me up was never a student at all.

How did Theo manage to infiltrate Hogwarts undetected for months and then just disappear?

Things were relatively mellow after that, but when the war started, Dumbledore didn't hesitate to recruit myself and all of my friends into the Order of the Phoenix.

How was he okay with forming a child army when there were plenty of Aurors ready to step up in our place?

Granted, he was slow to send us out on missions, but once Alice and Frank proved their worthiness, all of us were roped into adulthood.

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